我正在使用以下命令从命令行构建/运行 IOS 应用程序:

xcodebuild  -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" -xcconfig "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}"  -configuration Release

/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" PackageApplication -v "${PROJECT_BUILD_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.app" -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa"



2 回答 2


从 xcodebuild 手册页:

xcodebuild [-project projectname] [-target targetname ...] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [buildaction ...] [setting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...]

并且构建操作可以采用以下值(UPD 13.08.2018):

action ...
       Specify one or more actions to perform. Available actions are:

       build                  Build the target in the build root (SYMROOT).  This is the default action, and
                              is used if no action is given.

       build-for-testing      Build the target and associated tests in the build root (SYMROOT).  This will
                              also produce an xctestrun file in the build root. This requires specifying a

       analyze                Build and analyze a target or scheme from the build root (SYMROOT).  This
                              requires specifying a scheme.

       archive                Archive a scheme from the build root (SYMROOT).  This requires specifying a

       test                   Test a scheme from the build root (SYMROOT).  This requires specifying a
                              scheme and optionally a destination.

       test-without-building  Test compiled bundles. If a scheme is provided with -scheme then the command
                              finds bundles in the build root (SRCROOT).  If an xctestrun file is provided
                              with -xctestrun then the command finds bundles at paths specified in the
                              xctestrun file.

       install-src            Copy the source of the project to the source root (SRCROOT).

       install                Build the target and install it into the target's installation directory in
                              the distribution root (DSTROOT).

       clean                  Remove build products and intermediate files from the build root (SYMROOT).


xcodebuild  -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" -xcconfig "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}"  -configuration Release clean build

此命令行中有两个构建操作:'clean' 和 'build'。首先执行“清理”操作,然后执行“构建”。正如文档所述,您可以在一个命令中指定多个构建操作,这样做而不是使用单独的命令可确保其他选项对于所有构建操作都是相同的。

于 2013-09-30T10:48:00.460 回答


rm -rf ./build
于 2020-12-11T18:06:03.600 回答