为什么 CouchDB 在非关系型数据库中如此受欢迎?
4 回答
Probably because it's well promoted and quite good at what it does.
正如已故的伟大埃里克·莫尔科姆(Eric Morecombe)曾经观察到的那样,“沙发,太好了”。
- 它非常适合当今 Web 应用程序开发的很大一部分,其中可扩展性和在线/离线 sysc 很重要(此外,关系数据库强大的数据集分析的强度通常不那么重要)。
- 可以说是内置的微不足道的复制(复制是大多数 RDBMS 生态系统沿袭的事后想法)
- 它正在成为构建开源领域中的桌面/云同步服务的堆栈的重要组成部分(参见Ubuntu One)。
Here is a pretty good introduction
Snip from article:
You’ll often see the word “relax” associated with CouchDB. That’s because CouchDB tries to solve a lot of the “hard problems” associated with building a scalable distributed document-oriented database. It does a lot of heavy lifting for you so that you can focus on building your application without worrying too much about administration or weird corner cases.
CouchDB also sports a very simple and easy to understand RESTful API. This should make for a very low barrier to entry and stress-free development. As we progress through the process of using CouchDB, I think you’ll start to realize that this motto is not just “marketing speak.”</p>