Bit of a weird one. For some reason one of my DNN modules keeps being converted into an Application in IIS7 in my development environment. Meaning when I try to view a page that contains that module it can't find the module correctly. It's ok if I go into IIS and delete the application, then restart the site but is a bit of a pain and am little worried it might do this when uploaded to the live server and disable the whole site.

Anyone encountered anything like this before? Any thoughts?


3 回答 3


This is a common problem with my VS templates, though not for everyone, and it doesn't happen all the time. It stems from Visual Studio, so it shouldn't ever be a problem on your production servers, unless you upload source and try to compile there, than it might be an issue.

于 2013-10-01T02:35:26.087 回答


一个很好的资源可能是我的模块模板安装视频,它提供了有关设置开发环境和调试问题的良好信息(无论您使用什么模板)。在 1:30 到 5:00 分钟之间检查环境设置,并在 19 分钟后进行一些故障排除。

我看到 Visual Studio 做的几个常见问题是在 DesktopModules 文件夹上创建一个不需要的虚拟目录和/或在模块的根目录中创建一个不需要的 web.config。

另一个很好的资源是Dnnhero.com。在开发部分有一系列关于 DNN7 环境和模板设置的内容。

于 2013-09-30T22:36:50.467 回答

您可能想尝试一个名为Users Importer的免费模块 - 有点旧但值得一试。


于 2013-09-30T21:50:22.473 回答