I'm making a portfolio grid with a fadeIn effect that fades in li after li (portfolio image after the next one).

I've tried many approaches but it won't work.

  $.fn.showdelay = function(){
    var delay = 0;
    return this.each(function(){
      delay += 1000;

  $('#portfolioslider li').showdelay();

How can I fix this?

Many thanks in advance.

Here is the code!


1 回答 1


Add a display:none to your #porfolioslider li style:

#portfolioslider li {
    float: left;

Living demo: http://jsfiddle.net/rC7Lr/3/

Remember that in order to fadeIn something, it must be hidden first. If it is already visible, what are you going to fade in? :)

于 2013-09-30T09:05:58.747 回答