我们在网站上看到性能缓慢和 408 错误调查显示,sitecore eventqueue 表正在快速增长(每小时 100 万行),这最终导致 sql 查询永远运行(请参阅下面的查询)耗尽所有资源并停止 sql server连接,导致 408 错误

SELECT [EventType], [InstanceType], [InstanceData], [InstanceName], [UserName], [Stamp], [Created] FROM [EventQueue] WHERE ([InstanceName] <> @targetInstance AND [RaiseGlobally] = 1 OR [InstanceName ] = @targetInstance AND [RaiseLocally] = 1) AND [Stamp] >= CAST(@fromTimestamp AS TIMESTAMP) ORDER BY [Stamp]


进一步调查显示,此表中有许多 RuntimeRolesUpdatedRemoteEvent 事件,显然没有在任何地方的代码中使用。

Sitecore 最近升级到版本 Sitecore.NET 6.6.0 (rev. 130529)

写在 eventqueue 表中的事件可以控制吗?无论如何要停止在事件队列表中发生的 RuntimeRolesUpdatedRemoteEvent 事件?


1 回答 1


Sitecore found a bug which was causing to write multiple event in eventqueue table at authentication, and afterward when user browsing the site every time authentication is checked (i.e. user clicked anywhere in website) more rows added in this table. Sitecore have provided a patch which has fixed this issue.

于 2013-10-08T08:20:52.163 回答