我正在用 java 编写一个程序,其中涉及到很多图形更改。结果我得到了一个stackoverflowexception。我已经看到很多问题已经通过在 cmd 中使用 Xss 命令解决了,但是这个特殊的问题是非常持久的。由于我使用的是 IDE,因此尝试使用 -Xss 解决它会产生多余的问题,例如 noclassdef found 错误,并且通常“javac”拒绝使用“找不到符号”runt 编译源代码。程序代码有点长,所以我想知道是否有人遇到过这样的问题并愿意分享解决方案。谢谢你。
public void updateTable()
for(int p1Finder = 0; p1Finder < playerReference.length; p1Finder++) //for loop to locate the playerReference associated with P1
if(update.getP1Name().equalsIgnoreCase(playerReference[p1Finder].getName())) //p1 reference found
if(update.getP1Score() > update.getP2Score()) //If the player on the left (P1) wins
else if(update.getP1Score() < update.getP2Score()) //If the player on the left (P1) loses
else //if the game ends in a draw
上面的方法应该适用于某些分数,然后重新绘制排名表。表格中的所有内容都被绘制(即使用 Graphics 方法)。我的程序中的paintComponent方法如下。
protected void paintComponent(Graphics ink)
Font decorativeFont = new Font("Harrington", Font.BOLD, 30);
Font boldFont = new Font("", Font.BOLD ,20);
Font normalFont = new Font("", Font.PLAIN ,18);
int yStars = 60; //y coordinate for the decorative stars
int xStars = 65; //x coordinate for the decorative stars
int countStars = 0;
//Draw the title of the football league
ink.drawString("NJENGA FOOTBALL LEAGUE", 115, 30);
//draw the decorative stars below the title
while(countStars < 55)
ink.drawString("*", xStars, yStars);
xStars = xStars + 10;
//remove decorative font and set the normal font
//draw the fields that are used on the table ie.player, plays, wins etc
//use for loop
int xFields = 0; //x coordinate for the fields string names
int yFields = 80; //y coordinate for the fields string names
for(int counter = 0; counter < fieldNames.length; counter++)
ink.drawString(fieldNames[counter], xFields, yFields);
if(counter == 0)
xFields = xFields + 150;
xFields = xFields + 73;
//draw a blue line between the fields and the records
ink.fillRect(0, 90, getWidth(), 5);
//draw the player names and data into the table
int xRecord;
int yRecord = 140;
for(int counter = 0; counter < playerReference.length; counter++)
xRecord = 0;
ink.drawString(playerReference[counter].getName().toUpperCase(), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player name
xRecord = xRecord + 153; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getPlays()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player plays
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getWins()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player wins
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getDraws()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player draws
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getLosses()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player losses
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getGoalsFor()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player goals scored
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getGoalsAgainst()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player goals conceeded
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getGoalDifference()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player goal difference
xRecord = xRecord + 73; //increase the xCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next field
ink.drawString((playerReference[counter].getPoints()+""), xRecord, yRecord); //draw the player points
yRecord = yRecord + 50; //increase the yCoordinate to facilitate proper drawing of next record
//draw a blue line between the fields and the records
ink.fillRect(0, yRecord, getWidth(), 5);