我最近开始尝试在我的 Android 项目的 Fragments 中实现AsyncTasks,并立即遇到了配置更改导致重大问题的常见错误。我在网上看到的方法并没有轻易地融入到我拥有的 ViewPager 设置中,我利用我的知识将自己处理配置更改结合起来。

我的问题是:我的方法有什么危险吗?最大的担忧是内存泄漏,但我确保在 onDetach() 方法上将每个 created_View 都清空。


  • 将 Fragment 的 setRetainInstance 设置为 true,因此不必重新创建它,并且不会丢失重要数据。

  • 在 onCreateView() 中,当必须重新创建 Fragment 的视图时始终调用的代码部分,应用程序将检查其 AsyncTask 是否正在运行。如果是这样,显示一个 IndeterminateProgressBar,当它完成 onPostExecute 时,将它的可见性更改为 GONE。

  • onDetach()中,确保 created_view 视图设置为 null,这样就没有与最初使用的 Activity 相关的内存泄漏

  • onAttach配置更改之前。


public class RosterFragment extends Fragment 

List<RosterMember> dataforroster = new ArrayList<RosterMember>(); //List that will hold the Roster objects retrieved from Parse database,
                                 //and later passed in to constructor for the RosterCustomArrayAdapter.
List<ParseUser> retrieved_list = new ArrayList<ParseUser>(); //List that will hold values retrieved from ParseUser Query. 
View createdView; //View that will be passed back with built RosterFragment
private ProgressBar roster_progress; //The indeterminate ProgressBar that will be displayed until the AsyncTask is finished downloading the roster.
boolean running_task;
private RosterAsyncTask get_roster;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    // Retain this fragment across configuration changes.
    get_roster = new RosterAsyncTask(); //Create new RosterAsyncTask instance.
    running_task = true;


public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,Bundle savedInstanceState) 
    createdView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.rosterfragment, container, false); //Inflate the fragment using the specific layout
    roster_progress = (ProgressBar) createdView.findViewById(R.id.loadingroster); //Find the ProgressBar in layout and set it to roster_progress.
    if(running_task == true)
    return createdView;

public void onDetach()
    createdView = null;

public void fill_roster()
    //Get reference ListView in the inflated layout.
    ListView the_Roster = (ListView) createdView.findViewById(R.id.rostercoachofficers);
    //Create an instance of the RosterCustomArrayAdapter using the dataforroster List.
    RosterCustomArrayAdapter roster_Adapter = new RosterCustomArrayAdapter(getActivity(), dataforroster);
    //Sort the roster_Adapter so elements in ListView will be sorted alphabetically by first name.
    roster_Adapter.sort(new RosterComparator());    
    //Attach adapter to the ListView to populate its data.


//AsyncTask responsible for downloading roster in background thread.
private class RosterAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void , List<RosterMember>>

    //The operations to perform in the AsyncTask background thread. The results(the roster data downloaded) will be passed to onPostExecute.
    protected List<RosterMember> doInBackground(Void... params)
        ParseQuery<ParseUser> query = ParseUser.getQuery(); //Get specific ParseQuery for ParseUsers.

        retrieved_list = query.find(); //Initiate query.
        for(ParseUser current_user: retrieved_list) //For every ParseUser returned from query, create a new RosterMember using the ParseUser
                               //data and then add it to the dataforroster List.
                RosterMember current_member = new RosterMember();
                current_member.username = current_user.getUsername();
                ParseFile parse_ByteArray = (ParseFile)current_user.get("profile_picture");
                Bitmap profile_Picture = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(parse_ByteArray.getData(), 0, parse_ByteArray.getData().length);
                current_member.profile_Picture = profile_Picture;
                current_member.title = current_user.getString("title");


        //If problem occurred in query execution, use Toast to display error message.
        catch (ParseException e) 
            Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Error, " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        return dataforroster;

  //Code to run in main UI thread once the doinBackground method is finished.
  protected void onPostExecute(List<RosterMember> dataforroster) 
      running_task = false; 




2 回答 2

public class RosterFragment extends Fragment 
    List<RosterMember> dataforroster = new ArrayList<RosterMember>(); //List that will hold the Roster objects retrieved from Parse database,
                                     //and later passed in to constructor for the RosterCustomArrayAdapter.
    List<ParseUser> retrieved_list = new ArrayList<ParseUser>(); //List that will hold values retrieved from ParseUser Query. 
    View createdView; //View that will be passed back with built RosterFragment
    private ProgressBar roster_progress; //The indeterminate ProgressBar that will be displayed until the AsyncTask is finished downloading the roster.
    boolean running_task;
    private RosterAsyncTask get_roster;
    private boolean successful_query;
    private String error_message;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        // Retain this fragment across configuration changes.
        get_roster = new RosterAsyncTask(); //Create new RosterAsyncTask instance.
        running_task = true;


    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,Bundle savedInstanceState) 
        createdView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.rosterfragment, container, false); //Inflate the fragment using the specific layout
        roster_progress = (ProgressBar) createdView.findViewById(R.id.loadingroster); //Find the ProgressBar in layout and set it to roster_progress.
        return createdView;

    public void onDetach()
        createdView = null;

    public void fill_roster()

            if(running_task == true)


                if(!dataforroster.isEmpty())//Get reference ListView in the inflated layout.
                    ListView the_Roster = (ListView) createdView.findViewById(R.id.rostercoachofficers);
                    //Create an instance of the RosterCustomArrayAdapter using the dataforroster List.
                    RosterCustomArrayAdapter roster_Adapter = new RosterCustomArrayAdapter(getActivity(), dataforroster);
                    //Sort the roster_Adapter so elements in ListView will be sorted alphabetically by first name.
                    roster_Adapter.sort(new RosterComparator());    
                    //Attach adapter to the ListView to populate its data.

                    if(successful_query == false)
                        Toast.makeText(getActivity(), error_message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


    //AsyncTask responsible for downloading roster in background thread.
    private class RosterAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void , Void>

        //The operations to perform in the AsyncTask background thread. The results(the roster data downloaded) will be passed to onPostExecute.
        protected Void doInBackground(Void... params)
            ParseQuery<ParseUser> query = ParseUser.getQuery(); //Get specific ParseQuery for ParseUsers.

            retrieved_list = query.find(); //Initiate query.
            for(ParseUser current_user: retrieved_list) //For every ParseUser returned from query, create a new RosterMember using the ParseUser
                                   //data and then add it to the dataforroster List.
                    RosterMember current_member = new RosterMember();
                    current_member.username = current_user.getUsername();
                    ParseFile parse_ByteArray = (ParseFile)current_user.get("profile_picture");
                    Bitmap profile_Picture = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(parse_ByteArray.getData(), 0, parse_ByteArray.getData().length);
                    current_member.profile_Picture = profile_Picture;
                    current_member.title = current_user.getString("title");

            successful_query = true;        


            //If problem occurred in query execution, use Toast to display error message.
            catch (ParseException e) 
                successful_query = false;
                error_message = "Error, " + e.getMessage();
            return null;


      //Code to run in main UI thread once the doinBackground method is finished.
      protected void onPostExecute(Void ignore) 

          running_task = false; 



于 2013-10-03T01:35:18.733 回答

我可以看到的两个主要内容都与您的活动有关。你在 doInBackground() 中的 toast 需要从你的主线程中调用,所以我很确定这会失败。您传递给适配器的活动也与片段分开,因此每当您进行配置更改时,该更改将被销毁并且不再有效。

为了帮助防止任何强制关闭,您可能希望将 toast 替换为发送到 logcat 的消息,并在 onPostExecute 中执行任何操作之前验证活动和 roster_progress 不为空。

于 2013-09-30T04:16:19.693 回答