I have a REST service implemented by ASP.Net WebApi, a WPF client application that consume this service. Every user have a UserName/Password in stored in Azure Table storage. Now I want to implement an OAuth authorization server "Resource Owner Password Flow".

Now my question is: How can I implement an OAuth 2.0 "authorization server" in .net?

I found that DotNetOpenAuth and thinktecture can help, but I'm not sure about any of them.

Resource Owner Password Flow


1 回答 1


DotNetOpenAuth 有一个 WPF 示例以及许多其他有用的示例。该库的唯一缺点是缺乏全面的文档,但是示例很棒且易于遵循。

于 2013-09-29T18:52:16.537 回答