这是来自聊天机器人的代码,其目的是将有关用户的所有信息保存到文件中。只要它只在 1 个房间里就可以正常工作,但是如果我想将同一用户的信息保存在 2 个不同的房间里,我遇到了问题。机器人不仅会更新获取用户和房间的信息,而且总是会创建该用户和该房间的新行和新行。


#First of all it reads the file
leyendoestadisticas = open("listas\Estadisticas.txt", "r")
bufferestadisticas = leyendoestadisticas.read()
if not '"'+user.name+'"' in bufferestadisticas: #If the name of the user is not there, it adds all the information.
  escribiendoestadisticas = open("listas\Estadisticas.txt", 'a')
  escribiendoestadisticas.write(json.dumps([user.name, palabrasdelafrase, letrasdelafrase,
                                            "1", user.nameColor, user.fontColor, user.fontFace, user.fontSize,
                                            message.body.replace('"', "'"), room.name, 0, "primermensajitodeesapersona", fixedrooms])+"\n")
else: #If the name it's there, it will do the next:
  #First of all, get all rooms where the name is saved, to do that...
  listadesalas = []
  for line in open("listas\Estadisticas.txt", 'r'):
          retrieved3 = json.loads(line)
          if retrieved3[0] == user.name: #If the name is found
            if not retrieved3[9] == room.name: #But room is diferent
              listadesalas.append(retrieved3[9]) #Adds the room to a temporal list
  #Now that we got a list with all different lines of that user based on rooms... we do the next code
  data = []
  hablaenunanuevasala = "no"
  with open('listas\Estadisticas.txt', 'r+') as f:
    for line in f:
      data_line = json.loads(line)
      if data_line[0] == user.name: #If name is there
        if data_line[9] == room.name: #And the room matches with actual room, then update that line.
          data_line[1] = int(data_line[1])+int(palabrasdelafrase)
          data_line[2] = int(data_line[2])+int(letrasdelafrase)
          data_line[3] = int(data_line[3])+1
          data_line[4] = user.nameColor
          data_line[5] = user.fontColor
          data_line[6] = user.fontFace
          data_line[7] = user.fontSize
          data_line[11] = data_line[8]
          data_line[8] = message.body.replace('"', "'")
          data_line[9] = room.name
          data_line[12] = fixedrooms
        else: #but if the user is there and room NOT matches, we want to add a new line to the file with the same user but a new room.
          if not room.name in listadesalas: #And here is where i believe is the problem of my code.
            hablaenunanuevasala = "si" #needed since i didn't found a way to properly add a new line inside this loop, so must be done outside the loop later.
    f.writelines(["%s\n" % json.dumps(i) for i in data])
    #Outside the loop - This would work if the program noticed it's a room that is not saved yet in the file for that user.
    if hablaenunanuevasala == "si":
      escribiendoestadisticas2 = open("listas\Estadisticas.txt", 'a')
      escribiendoestadisticas2.write(json.dumps([user.name, palabrasdelafrase, letrasdelafrase,
                                                "1", user.nameColor, user.fontColor, user.fontFace, user.fontSize,
                                                message.body.replace('"', "'"), room.name, 0, "primermensajitodeesapersona", fixedrooms])+"\n")

所以...这就是我尝试过的,只要它是 1 个房间,它就可以完美运行,它会一直更新信息。当我在第二个房间讲话时,它为我添加了第二个房间的新记录(完美)。但是,如果我在这 2 个房间中的任何一个再次讲话,机器人将在文件中添加 2 行代码,而不是更新我讲话的房间的信息。


["saelyth", "whenever", "more info"]


["saelyth", "anotherroom", "more info"]



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