There're some possibilities in different implementations of RDBMS.
For example, in PostgreSQL you can use array or hstore or even JSON (in 9.3 version):
create table Company1 (name text, phones text[]);
insert into Company1
select 'Financial Company', array['111-222-3333', '555-444-7777'] union all
select 'School', array['444-999-2222', '555-222-1111'];
select name, unnest(phones) from Company1;
create table Company2 (name text, phones hstore);
insert into Company2
select 'Financial Company', 'mobile=>555-444-7777, fax=>111-222-3333'::hstore union all
select 'School', 'mobile=>444-999-2222, fax=>555-222-1111'::hstore;
select name, skeys(phones), svals(phones) from Company2
sql fiddle demo
You can also create indexes on these fields -, Can PostgreSQL index array columns?
In SQL Server, you can use xml datatype to store multivalues:
create table Company (name nvarchar(128), phones xml);
insert into Company
select 'Financial Company', '<phone type="mobile">555-444-7777</phone><phone>111-222-3333</phone>' union all
select 'School', '<phone>444-999-2222</phone><phone type="fax">555-222-1111</phone>'
p.p.value('@type', 'nvarchar(max)') as type,
p.p.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as phone
from Company as c
outer apply c.phones.nodes('phone') as p(p)
sql fiddle demo
You can also create xml indexes on xml type column.