我正在尝试实现将视频上传到 youtube 的代码。我看到了一些关于这个主题的其他帖子,但我仍然无法让它发挥作用,而且我还不够熟练,无法弄清楚如何测试它以查看正在发生的事情。我还可以运行此代码的框架并获取已上传的内容,但我似乎无法上传视频。任何帮助将不胜感激。


// Call set_include_path() as needed to point to your client library.
require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/src/Google_Client.php');
require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/src/contrib/Google_YouTubeService.php');

/* You can acquire an OAuth 2 ID/secret pair from the API Access tab on the Google APIs Console
For more information about using OAuth2 to access Google APIs, please visit:
Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project. */
$OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = 'someclient.apps.googleusercontent.com';
$OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = 'some secret';

$client = new Google_Client();
$redirect = filter_var('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],

$youtube = new Google_YoutubeService($client);

if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
  if (strval($_SESSION['state']) !== strval($_GET['state'])) {
    die('The session state did not match.');

  $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
  header('Location: ' . $redirect);

if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) {
    print "line 38";
if ($client->getAccessToken()) {
    print "line 40";
    $snippet = new Google_VideoSnippet();
    $snippet->setTitle("Test title");
    $snippet->setDescription("Test descrition");

    $status = new Google_VideoStatus();
    $status->privacyStatus = "private";

    $video = new Google_Video();

    $error = true;
    $i = 0;

    try {
        $obj = $youTubeService->videos->insert("status,snippet", $video,
                                        "mimeType" => "video/mp4"));
    } catch(Google_ServiceException $e) {
        print "Caught Google service Exception ".$e->getCode(). " message is ".$e->getMessage(). " <br>";
        print "Stack trace is ".$e->getTraceAsString();


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