$prodqty = mysql_query("SELECT quan FROM pro_list WHERE auto_id = $pid"); //get the current product quantity
if (mysql_num_rows($prodqty) != 0)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($prodqty);
$productqty = $row['quan'];
$nqty = $productqty-$q; //current product quantity minus order quantity to get new product quantity
if ($nqty >= 0)
$query2="UPDATE pro_list SET quan = $nqty WHERE auto_id = $pid"; //update the quantity in the product table
$result = mysql_query($query2);
if ($result)
echo "Successfully ";
echo "Unsuccesfully";
echo "Limit of quantity! .";
die('Thank You For Shopping With i-Supply System! your order has been sent to Admin.!');