
    d = [8, 14, 3, 5, 2, 23] # lists

    size = len( d )      # size = number of elements in list
    unsorted = True      # what does this really mean and do?

    while unsorted :     # bassicly while true, but while what is true? what would make it false?
        unsorted = False     #? did he just change the variable to false? if so, why, and
                         # how is the "while unsorted" before statement still being met
        i = 0                    # this bassiclly begins the indency number in the list below
        while i < size-1 :       # so while the indency number is less than the list 
                                 # element size it will loop through the rest
            if d[i] > d[i+1] :   # if the number in d[i]is greater than the number after
                temp = d[i]      # then variable temp gets assigned that number in d[i]
                d[i] = d[i+1]    # this confuses me. whats the purpose of setting d[i] to d[i+1]?
                d[i+1] = temp    # i think this has to do with the statement above, what does it
                unsorted = True  # why is this suddenly turned back to true?

            i += 1        # adds 1 to to indency or i until it reaches the list size to stop loop
    print d





2 回答 2



unsorted = True # what does this really mean and do?

while unsorted : # bassicly while true, but while what is true? what would make it false?
正如我所提到的,while True:意味着我们上次检查时列表没有排序,所以我们必须再次检查列表(即在while循环中运行代码。)

unsorted = False

if d[i] > d[i+1] :   
    temp = d[i]    # store the larger number in a temporary variable   
    d[i] = d[i+1]  # put the smaller number in the spot of the larger number
    d[i+1] = temp  # put the larger number after the smaller number
    unsorted = True # we swapped a number, so this list might not be completely sorted

于 2013-09-28T22:41:41.243 回答



unsorted = True      # what does this really mean and do?

声明并初始化您的布尔值。如果为 False,您将无法进入以下 while 循环。

while unsorted :     # bassicly while true, but while what is true? what would make it false?
    unsorted = False     #? did he just change the variable to false? if so, why, and
                     # how is the "while unsorted" before statement still being met

只有在进入新的“回合”之前检查执行 while 循环的条件。请检查 while 循环是如何工作的,这是一个基本结构!该变量unsorted设置为,False以便程序能够在数组完全排序后离开循环。

i = 0  # this bassiclly begins the indency number in the list below

是的,确实 Python 使用基于零的索引(您应该查找的另一个术语)。这意味着数组中的第一个元素的索引为零

while i < size-1 :  # so while the indency number is less than the list 
                # element size it will loop through the rest


while i < size-2

size-1 是长度数组中最后一个元素的索引size。但是由于您总是比较一个元素及其后继元素,因此您不必检查数组的最后一个元素(它没有后继元素)。

   temp = d[i]      # then variable temp gets assigned that number in d[i]
   d[i] = d[i+1]    # this confuses me. whats the purpose of setting d[i] to d[i+1]?
   d[i+1] = temp    # i think this has to do with the statement above, what does it

这就是我告诉你的交换。元素d[i]d[i+1]开关位置。为此,您需要一个temp用于一个变量的 orary 存储。

unsorted = True  # why is this suddenly turned back to true?

因为他不得不改变数组中元素的顺序。仅当不再需要交换并且数组元素已排序时,才应允许程序离开外部 while 循环。

于 2013-09-28T22:29:50.047 回答