我正在尝试创建一个函数,该函数将启动循环并在当前日期计数中添加一天,它将询问 3 个问题,然后将该数据组合为等于 Total_Output。然后,我希望 'n' 表示元组的结尾,并在下一步中将 Total_Output 添加到元组的末尾。但是当我运行该函数时,它似乎正在创建一个新元组。
Good Morninghi
This is Day: 1
How much weight did you use?40
How many reps did you do?20
How many sets did you do?6
Day: 1
This is Day: 2
How much weight did you use?50
How many reps did you do?20
How many sets did you do?6
Day: 2
[6000.0, 6000.0]
This is Day: 3
How much weight did you use?40
How many reps did you do?20
How many sets did you do?6
Day: 3
[4800.0, 4800.0, 4800.0]
def Start_Work(x):
Num_Days = 0
Total_Output = 0
Wght = 0
Reps = 0
Sets = 0
Day = []
while x == 1 and Num_Days < 6: ##will be doing in cycles of 6 days
Num_Days += 1 ##increase day count with each loop
print "This is Day:",Num_Days
Wght = float(raw_input("How much weight did you use?"))
Reps = float(raw_input("How many reps did you do?"))
Sets = float(raw_input("How many sets did you do?"))
Total_Output = Wght * Reps * Sets
n = Day[:-1] ##go to end of tuple
Day = [Total_Output for n in range(Num_Days)] ##add data (Total_Output to end of tuple
print "Day:",Num_Days
print Day
print "failed"
Input = raw_input("Good Morning")
if Input.lower() == str('hi') or str('start') or str('good morning'):
print "Good Bye"