我是 pthreads 的新手,我编写了一个示例程序来利用 pthread 中的条件事件。

Thread2 只是没有退出......我猜从代码中的意图会很清楚。


pthread_mutex_t mut;
pthread_cond_t con;

#define  LOCK &mut
#define  COND &con

#define HAPPY 1
#define SAD 0

int count = 0, response = SAD;

void func_t1();
void func_t2();

int main()
  pthread_t tid1, tid2;

  pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, &func_t1, NULL );
  pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, &func_t2, NULL );

  pthread_join(tid1, NULL );
  pthread_join(tid2, NULL );

  return 0;

void func_t1()
  for (;;)

    pthread_cond_wait(COND, LOCK);
    if (count == 10)
      printf("Thread1: You did your job finally, get lost now");
      response = HAPPY;
      printf("Thread1: You are not capable of making me happy");


void func_t2()
  for (;;)
    if (response == SAD)
      printf("thread2: count incremented to %d...pls check if you are happy \n",
      printf("thread2:Ha..I finally made her happy \n");


thread2: count incremented to 106927...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106928...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106929...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106930...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106931...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106932...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106933...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106934...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106935...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106936...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106937...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106938...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106939...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106940...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106941...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106942...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106943...pls check if you are happy 
Thread1: You are not capable of making me happythread2: count incremented to 106944...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106945...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106946...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106947...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106948...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106949...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106950...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106951...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106952...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106953...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106954...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106955...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106956...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106957...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106958...pls check if you are happy 
thread2: count incremented to 106959...pls check if you are happy 




1 回答 1



第一个线程正在等待计数达到 10。它在来自线程 2 的信号时唤醒。

线程 2 增加计数变量并发送信号,然后重复。

由于线程 2 不等待线程 1 的回复,因此无法保证线程 1 会看到所有更改。


Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 1 sees signal - not 10
Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 2 increments count & signals
Thread 1 sees signal - not 10

您需要添加一个机制,如果线程 1 已经检查了 count 的当前值并且是 SAD,则只允许线程 2 增加 count。

于 2013-09-28T13:08:20.720 回答