我有这个从目录中读取 mp3 文件的 php 脚本:
// Set your return content type
header('Content-type: text/xml');
//directory to read
$dir = ($_REQUEST['dir']);
$sub_dirs = isBoolean(($_REQUEST['sub_dirs']));
//echo "current working directory is -> ". getcwd();
echo 'Directory \'', $dir, '\' not found!';
$temp = getFileList($dir, $sub_dirs);
echo json_encode($temp);
function isBoolean($value) {
if ($value && strtolower($value) !== "false") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function getFileList($dir, $recurse){
$retval = array(); // array to hold return value
if(substr($dir, -1) != "/") // add trailing slash if missing
$dir .= "/"; // open pointer to directory and read list of files
$d = @dir($dir) or die("getFileList: Failed opening directory $dir for reading");
while(false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { // skip hidden files
if($entry[0] == "." || $entry[0] == "..") continue;
if(is_dir("$dir$entry")) {
if($recurse && is_readable("$dir$entry/")) {
$retval = array_merge($retval, getFileList("$dir$entry/", true));
}else if(is_readable("$dir$entry")) {
$path_info = pathinfo("$dir$entry");
$retval[] = array(
"path" => "$dir$entry",
"type" => $path_info['extension'],
"size" => filesize("$dir$entry"),
"lastmod" => filemtime("$dir$entry")
return $retval;
该文件与执行脚本的 html 页面位于同一目录中。例如,我通过了相对路径'audio/mp3' or '../audio/mp3'
例如,如果我通过这个:http://www.mydomain.com/someFolder/audio/mp3,执行脚本和 php 文件的 html 页面将被放置在这个位置:http://www.mydomain .com/someFolder/