程序提示基本上要求一个程序,您必须从该人那里获得两个输入:时间(基于一个军事时间,即 1800 是下午 6 点)和通话时间。然后,您获取这两个输入并使用布尔 if then 和 else 语句,应用折扣,然后获得净金额。这是我的代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
{  // some user variables that need inputing based on their call
  int starttime;
  int minutes;
  const float tax = 0.04;
  const float flatrate = 0.35;
  const float mindiscount = 0.15;
  const float timediscount = 0.5;
  float callrate = float (minutes * flatrate); // the standard call rate stored in a variable.
  float gross;    // the gross cost before discount
  float net;      // the net cost

    cout << "enter start time: " << endl;
    cin >> starttime;
    if (starttime > 2499) // a check put inplace so someone doesn't enter an invalid time integer
        {cout << "You entered an invalid time. Should only be based on the 24 hour clock " << endl;
        return 1;}
    cout << "enter total minutes: " << endl;
    cin >> minutes;
    gross = callrate;
    cout << "gross cost: " << gross << setprecision(2) << endl;
    {if ((minutes < 60 ) && (starttime < 1800 && starttime > 800)) // if no discounts are made, this is the final price before tax
         net = gross;
    else if (starttime > 1800 || starttime < 800) // if the call is between 6:00 PM and 8:00 AM, it gets a 50% discount
        net = gross - (gross * timediscount);}
    if (minutes > 60 )          // if the call lasted longer than 60 minutes, it gets a 15% discount
        net = net - (net * mindiscount);
    cout << "net cost: " << float (net + (net * tax)) << setprecision(2) << endl; // the final net cost with the 4% tax added.
    return 0;


enter start time:
enter total minutes:
gross cost: 802795
net cost: 8.3e+005

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 3.740 s
Press any key to continue.

当甚至总成本应该是基于分钟* 0.35(每分钟35美分)的非常基本的小数字但显示为802795时。我在这里做错了什么?


1 回答 1



float callrate = float (minutes * flatrate);


cin >> minutes;

何时(假设输入是从 正确获得的cin,您没有验证)minutes将具有真正的初始化值。


float callrate = (float) minutes * flatrate;

但无论如何,强制转换在这里不是必需的,因为flatrate它是一个浮点数,并且minutes为了计算的目的会自动提升。C 风格的强制转换在 C++ 中也被认为是相当糟糕的形式,因此请尽可能避免使用它们。


    if ((minutes < 60 ) && (starttime < 1800 && starttime > 800))
        net = gross;
    else if (starttime > 1800 || starttime < 800) 
        net = gross - (gross * timediscount);
if ( minutes > 60 )    
    net = net - (net * mindiscount);

如果第一个if或相应的else if条件都不为真,则net永远不会被分配一个值,因此您的第二个if语句可以在未初始化的情况下使用它。如果介于 800 和 1,800 之间,minutes >= 60这种情况总是会发生。starttime

你必须小心初始化变量,因为 C++ 在这方面是非常无情的。每当您得到奇怪或垃圾值时,这就是正在发生的事情的可能性非常高。

于 2013-09-28T03:36:12.447 回答