
data Point = Point Int Int
data Box = Box Int Int
data Path = Path [Point]
data Text = Text

data Color = Color Int Int Int
    data WinPaintContext = WinPaintContext Graphics.Win32.HDC

class CanvasClass vc paint where
    drawLine :: vc -> paint -> Point -> Point -> IO ()
    drawRect :: vc -> paint -> Box -> IO ()
    drawPath :: vc -> paint -> Path -> IO ()

class (CanvasClass vc paint) => TextBasicClass vc paint where
    basicDrawText :: vc -> paint -> Point -> String -> IO ()

instance CanvasClass WinPaintContext WinPaint where
    drawLine = undefined
    drawRect = undefined
    drawPath = undefined

instance TextBasicClass WinPaintContext WinPaint where
    basicDrawText (WinPaintContext a) = winBasicDrawText a

op :: CanvasClass vc paint => vc -> Box -> IO ()
op canvas _ = do
    basicDrawText canvas WinPaint (Point 30 30) "Hi"

open :: IO ()
open = do
    makeWindow (Box 300 300) op

winBasicDrawText :: Graphics.Win32.HDC -> WinPaint -> Point -> String -> IO ()
winBasicDrawText hdc _ (Point x y) str = do
    Graphics.Win32.setBkMode hdc Graphics.Win32.tRANSPARENT
    Graphics.Win32.setTextColor hdc (Graphics.Win32.rgb 255 255 0)
    Graphics.Win32.textOut hdc 20 20 str
    return ()

windowsOnPaint :: (WinPaintContext -> Box -> IO ()) ->
                  Graphics.Win32.RECT ->
                  Graphics.Win32.HDC ->
                  IO ()
windowsOnPaint f rect hdc = f (WinPaintContext hdc) (Box 30 30)

makeWindow :: Box -> (WinPaintContext -> Box -> IO ()) -> IO ()
makeWindow (Box w h) onPaint =
  Graphics.Win32.allocaPAINTSTRUCT $ \ lpps -> do
  hwnd <- createWindow w h (wndProc lpps (windowsOnPaint onPaint))
  messagePump hwnd


data Canvas = Canvas {
    drawLine :: Point -> Point -> IO (),
    drawRect :: Box -> IO (),
    drawPath :: Path -> IO ()

hdc2Canvas :: Graphics.Win32.HDC -> Paint -> IO ( Canvas )
hdc2Canvas hdc paint = Canvas { drawLine = winDrawLine hdc paint ... }


我们喜欢在整个绘图过程中保留颜料并对其进行变异,因为它们的创建和销毁成本很高。绘画可能只是一个像 [bgColor red, fgColor blue, font "Tahoma"] 之类的列表,或者它可能是指向绘画系统使用的内部结构的指针(这是对 windows GDI 的抽象,但最终会抽象在 direct2d 和 coregraphics 上),它们具有“绘制”对象,我不想一遍又一遍地重新创建然后绑定。


data Paint = Paint {
    setFg :: Color -> IO () ,
    setBg :: Color -> IO ()

我可以在哪里放置指针?当我将 Paint 赋予 Canvas 中的某个函数时,他如何获得指针?设计此 API 的正确方法是什么?


1 回答 1




  • 有些画布上可以有形状
  • 有些画布上可以放文字
  • 有些画布会根据颜料改变他们的所作所为
  • 我们还不知道颜料是什么,但是对于不同的画布它们会有所不同

现在我们将这些想法转化为 Haskell。Haskell 是一种“类型优先”的语言,所以当我们谈论需求和设计时,我们可能正在谈论类型。

  • 在 Haskell 中,当我们在谈论类型时看到“some”这个词时,我们会想到类型类。例如,show该类说“某些类型可以表示为字符串”。
  • 当我们谈论我们还不知道的东西时,在谈论需求时,这是一种我们还不知道它是什么的类型。那是一个类型变量。
  • “穿上它们”似乎意味着我们将拥有一块画布,在上面放一些东西,然后再拥有一块画布。


class ShapeCanvas c where -- c is the type of the Canvas
    draw :: Shape -> c -> c

class TextCanvas c where
    write :: Text -> c -> c

class PaintCanvas p c where -- p is the type of Paint
    load :: p -> c -> c

类型变量c只使用一次,显示为c -> c. 这表明我们可以通过替换来使这些更c -> c通用c

class ShapeCanvas c where -- c is the type of the canvas
    draw :: Shape -> c

class TextCanvas c where
    write :: Text -> c

class PaintCanvas p c where -- p is the type of paint
    load :: p -> c

现在PaintCanvas看起来class在 Haskell 中有问题。类型系统很难弄清楚类中发生了什么

class Implicitly a b where
    convert :: b -> a


class PaintCanvas c where 
    type Paint c :: * -- (Paint c) is the type of Paint for canvases of type c
    load :: (Paint c) -> c


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Data.Canvas (
) where

data Point = Point Int Int

data Shape = Dot Point
           | Box Point Point 
           | Path [Point]

data Text = Text Point String

class ShapeCanvas c where -- c is the type of the Canvas
    draw :: Shape -> c

class TextCanvas c where
    write :: Text -> c

class PaintCanvas c where 
    type Paint c :: * -- (Paint c) is the type of Paint for canvases of type c
    load :: (Paint c) -> c


本节将介绍对有用画布的附加要求,除了我们已经制定的要求。它类似于我们在画布类中替换c -> c时丢失的内容。c

让我们从您的第一个示例代码开始,op. 使用我们的新界面很简单:

op :: (TextCanvas c) => c
op = write $ Text (Point 30 30) "Hi"


ex :: (ShapeCanvas c) => c
ex = draw $ Path [Point 10 10, Point 20 20]

但是我们没有办法Path为横笔添加另一个。我们需要一些方法将两个绘图步骤放在一起。有类型的东西c -> c -> c会很完美。我能想到的提供 this 的最简单的 Haskell 类是Monoid a's mappend :: a -> a -> a. AMonoid需要身份和关联性。假设在画布上进行绘图操作而使它们保持不变是否合理?这听起来很合理。假设三个绘图操作以相同的顺序完成,即使前两个一起执行,然后是第三个,或者如果第一个执行,然后第二个和第三个一起执行,这是否合理? ? 再一次,这对我来说似乎很合理。这建议我们可以写成ex

ex :: (Monoid c, ShapeCanvas c) => c
ex = (draw $ Path [Point 10 10, Point 20 20]) `mappend` (draw $ Path [Point 10 20, Point 20 10])


randomDrawing :: (MonadIO m, ShapeCanvas (m ()), TextCanvas (m ())) => m ()
randomDrawing = do
    index <- liftIO . getStdRandom $ randomR (0,2)
    choices !! index        
    where choices = [op, ex, return ()]

这不太有效,因为我们没有实例,(Monad m) => Monoid (m ())所以它ex可以工作。我们可以Data.Semigroup.Monad从 reducers 包中使用,或者自己添加一个,但这会使我们陷入不连贯的实例中。将 ex 更改为:

ex :: (Monad m, ShapeCanvas (m ())) => m ()
ex = do
    draw $ Path [Point 10 10, Point 20 20]
    draw $ Path [Point 10 20, Point 20 10]


  • 画布扩展了现有的操作序列,提供绘图、书写文本等操作。


  • 当你听到“指令序列”时,你应该想:“monad”。
  • 当你用“扩展”来限定它时,你应该认为:“单子变压器”。

现在我们意识到我们的画布实现很可能是一个单子转换器。我们可以回到我们的界面,改变它,使每个类都是一个 monad 的类,类似于转换器的MonadIO类和 mtl 的 monad 类。


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Data.Canvas (
) where

data Point = Point Int Int

data Shape = Dot Point
           | Box Point Point 
           | Path [Point]

data Text = Text Point String

class Monad m => ShapeCanvas m where -- c is the type of the Canvas
    draw :: Shape -> m ()

class Monad m => TextCanvas m where
    write :: Text -> m ()

class Monad m => PaintCanvas m where 
    type Paint m :: * -- (Paint c) is the type of Paint for canvases of type c
    load :: (Paint m) -> m ()


现在我们所有的示例绘图操作都是一些未知Monadm 中的操作:

op :: (TextCanvas m) => m ()
op = write $ Text (Point 30 30) "Hi"

ex :: (ShapeCanvas m) => m ()
ex = do
    draw $ Path [Point 10 10, Point 20 20]
    draw $ Path [Point 10 20, Point 20 10]

randomDrawing :: (MonadIO m, ShapeCanvas m, TextCanvas m) => m ()
randomDrawing = do
    index <- liftIO . getStdRandom $ randomR (0,2)
    choices !! index        
    where choices = [op, ex, return ()]


checkerBoard :: (ShapeCanvas m, PaintCanvas m) => Paint m -> Paint m -> m ()
checkerBoard red black = 
        load red
        draw $ Box (Point 10 10) (Point 20 20)
        draw $ Box (Point 20 20) (Point 30 30)
        load black
        draw $ Box (Point 10 20) (Point 20 30)
        draw $ Box (Point 20 10) (Point 30 20)



于 2013-09-28T17:48:18.733 回答