I have created a simple threaded TCP server which collects 3 lines read from the socket, and then tries to echo them back to the socket. The function echoCommand below crashes.
#include "fortunethread.h"
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <QDataStream>
FortuneThread::FortuneThread(int socketDescriptor, QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent), socketDescriptor(socketDescriptor), in(0)
void FortuneThread::run()
tcpSocketPtr = new QTcpSocket;
if (!tcpSocketPtr->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) {
emit error(tcpSocketPtr->error());
in = new QDataStream(tcpSocketPtr);
connect(tcpSocketPtr, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readCommand()) );
void FortuneThread::echoCommand()
QString block;
QTextStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
for (QStringList::Iterator it = commandList.begin(); it != commandList.end(); ++it) {
out << "Command: " << *it << endl;
out << endl;
void FortuneThread::readCommand()
while (tcpSocketPtr->canReadLine())
commandList << (tcpSocketPtr->readLine()).trimmed();
if (commandList.size() > 2)
and here is the file where I connect up the slots/signals:
#include "fortuneserver.h"
#include "fortunethread.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
FortuneServer::FortuneServer(QObject *parent)
: QTcpServer(parent)
void FortuneServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
QString fortune = fortunes.at(qrand() % fortunes.size());
FortuneThread *thread = new FortuneThread(socketDescriptor, this);
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
during or after the socket write, with this error:
**QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. (Parent is QNativeSocketEngine(0x7f19cc002720), parent's thread is FortuneThread(0x25411d0), current thread is QThread(0x220ff90)**
Since I create the tcpSocketPtr in the run() function, I know it is in the same thread as this function. Why would the socket write fail? I should point out that the write is succeeding since I see the output on the telnet window...but still the socket write fails...
Just more info...I found that I should NOT put a slot in a QThread..not sure how to get around this, but here is my class definiation:
class FortuneThread : public QThread
FortuneThread(int socketDescriptor, QObject *parent);
void run();
void error(QTcpSocket::SocketError socketError);
private slots:
void readCommand();
void echoCommand();
int socketDescriptor;
QDataStream *in;
QStringList commandList;
QTcpSocket *tcpSocketPtr;