I am having trouble deploying my Google app engine project. It tells me to do a rollback, so I do that and it says it succeeded... but when I redeploy it fails again!

I try changing the version of my app and update but it STILL fails with the same error message.

I tried deploying the same project to on of my other app engine applications and it works fine.

It's like I have been permanently locked out of doing updates to my app!! Has anyone experienced this before?

Here is the output from deployment.

Preparing to deploy:
    Created staging directory at: 'C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\appcfg6042733420741259764.tmp'
    Scanning for jsp files.
    Compiling jsp files.
    Scanning files on local disk.
    Scanned 250 files.
    Scanned 500 files.
    Scanned 750 files.
    Scanned 1000 files.
    Scanned 1250 files.
    Scanned 1500 files.
    Scanned 1750 files.
    Scanned 2000 files.
    Scanned 2250 files.
    Scanned 2500 files.
    Scanned 2750 files.
    Scanned 3000 files.
    Scanned 3250 files.
    Scanned 3500 files.
    Scanned 3750 files.
    Scanned 4000 files.
    Scanned 4250 files.
    Scanned 4500 files.
    Initiating update.
com.google.appengine.tools.admin.HttpIoException: Error posting to URL: https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/create?app_id=codeavengers&version=alpha&
409 Conflict
Another transaction by user mrwwalmsley is already in progress for app: s~codeavengers, version: alpha. That user can undo the transaction with "appcfg rollback".

2 回答 2




我在这里找到了解决方案:https ://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=10021#c10

于 2013-09-30T15:49:55.707 回答

按照下面给出的步骤并在 cmd 提示符下运行命令:

1)进入SDK的bin目录:F:\RD\Google App Engine\appengine-java-sdk-1.9.12\bin

2)执行命令:appcfg.cmd rollback "E:Workspace\Ankit\war"

它将询问您的 gmail 帐户的用户名和密码,并回滚已完成的部分更改。

然后您可以再次使用 eclipse 上传项目。

于 2014-10-04T10:49:44.553 回答