I have just updated to eclipse kepler (Java EE), but one thing I feel missing is the validation of jsp fragments inside jsp:include tags.

For example:

<jsp:include page="/jsp/includes/included.jsp"></jsp:include>

If I change the included.jsp it does not issues any warning or error in the problems tab (previously it warned me).

It may be related to some validators I disabled, but I could not find after some research.

Where is the option to control this kind of validation in eclipse?


2 回答 2


右键单击项目名称转到-->属性-->验证-->jsp Synthax

于 2013-09-27T23:01:58.883 回答

转到Window > Preferences > Web > JSP Files > Validation并确保Validate JSP fragments已选中。这会影响您对所有 Web 项目的全局偏好。

如果已选中,请单击Configure Project Specific Settings...链接(在同一Preferences页面内)并选择您的 Web 项目。您还可以在工作区中选择您的项目并转到Project > Properties > Validation > JSP Syntax.

检查您是否没有Enable project specific settings检查并Validate JSP fragments关闭,如下所示。

片段的 JSP 验证关闭

于 2013-10-23T02:39:20.633 回答