41 行的循环开头,此时该循环和包含循环的条件均不满足。
replay = true
while replay
print "What difficulty? (1 for easy, 2 for medium, or 3 for hard): "
difficulty = gets.chomp.to_i
until difficulty == 1 || difficulty == 2 || difficulty == 3 do
print "Please type either 1, 2, or 3: "
difficulty = gets.chomp.to_i
if difficulty == 1
r = Random.new
number = r.rand(100..1000)
puts "You have 15 guesses. "
print "Guess a number with three digits: "
within_num = 50
elsif difficulty == 2
r = Random.new
number = r.rand(1000..10000)
puts "You have 15 guesses. "
print "Guess a number with four digits: "
within_num = 500
elsif difficulty == 3
r = Random.new
number = r.rand(10000..100000)
puts "You have 15 guesses. "
print "Guess a number with five digits: "
within_num = 5000
guess = ""
num_guess = 0
guess_array = Array.new
array_location = 0
count_through = 0
array_print = count_through - 1
replay_inner = true
puts number
while num_guess <= 14 || replay_inner == true #Keeping as <= 14 as to avoid unnecessarily rewriting code, still gives 15 guesses
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
if guess > number * 2
print "That is more than double the number. Guess again: "
elsif guess < number / 2
print "That is less than half the number. Guess again: "
elsif guess > number && guess < number + within_num #within_num: 50 for easy, 500 for medium, 5000 for hard
print "You are close. That is too big. Guess again: "
elsif guess < number && guess > number - within_num
print "You are close. That is too small. Guess again: "
elsif guess < number
print "That is too small. Guess again: " #Hinting the user to how close they are.
elsif guess > number
print "That is too big. Guess again: "
elsif guess == number
puts "Congragulations! You win!"
print "Your "
print guess_array.length
print " incorrect guesses were: "
if num_guess == 0
print "... Oh."
while count_through < num_guess #Loop to relay user's guesses with a delay of 0.5 seconds
print guess_array[count_through]
if count_through == num_guess - 2
print ", and "
elsif count_through == num_guess - 1
puts ". "
print ", "
count_through += 1
puts "Would you like to play again? (yes/no)"
replay_answer = gets.chomp
until replay_answer == "yes" || replay_answer == "y" || replay_answer == "no" || replay_answer == "n" do
print "Please answer with yes, y, no, or n: "
replay_answer = gets.chomp
if replay_answer == "yes" || replay_answer == "y"
replay = true
puts "yes"
elsif replay_answer == "no" || replay_answer == "n" #Determining whether or not to replay
replay = false
puts "no"
guess_array.push guess
num_guess += 1
#puts num_guess
#puts guess_array[array_location]
array_location += 1
if num_guess >= 15 && guess != number
puts "Sorry, you lost. "
print "Your "
print guess_array.size
print " guesses were: "
while count_through < num_guess
print guess_array[count_through] #Same as loop above; for when player fails to guess correctly
if count_through == num_guess - 2
print ", and "
elsif count_through == num_guess - 1
puts ". "
print ", "
count_through += 1
puts "Would you like to play again? (yes/no)"
replay_answer = gets.chomp
until replay_answer == "yes" || replay_answer == "y" || replay_answer == "no" || replay_answer == "n" do
print "Please answer with yes, y, no, or n: "
replay_answer = gets.chomp
if replay_answer == "yes" || replay_answer == "y"
replay = true
replay_inner = true
puts "yes"
elsif replay_answer == "no" || replay_answer == "n" #Determining whether or not to replay
replay = false
replay_inner = false
puts "no"