I used to do this: Xcode duplicate line

But IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist doesn't exist anymore.

There is a folder called "KeyBindings" with a blank text file in it.

So how do we set up key bindings now?

Specifically I just want command-D to duplicate the line the cursor is in, which is a basic functionality of every other IDE except Xcode.


1 回答 1


该目录仅存储Xcode中已可用操作KeyBindings的每个用户的键绑定。另一方面,允许您向 Xcode 本身添加操作(然后将键绑定放入您的目录)。IDETextKeyBindingSet.plistKeyBindings

只需IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist文件再次放入/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources(位置与 Xcode 4 相同)。并让自己成为备份,因为每次 Xcode 升级都会默认您的自定义绑定(如果有更好的 Xcode 升级解决方案,我会全力以赴)。

于 2013-10-06T18:39:36.377 回答