In iOS is it possible to keep a connection constantly open listening for a call from the server? (The Server has not been implemented yet, so flexibility is available there depending on the best solution)

The app still has to keep checking for calls coming from the server because the user is not making a GET request manually. So what class is used for keeping an open ear for a call that can be received from the server anytime… e.g. Skype/Viber. They are always there waiting and listening for when the data is sent for a call.. how do they do it?

Should I use NSStream to create the connection and use NSTimer to keep it alive at regular intervals?


1 回答 1


要与您的服务器保持持续连接,您需要实现 VoIP 功能,不需要计时器。

查看 Apple 文档以获取更多信息。

于 2013-09-27T17:09:49.173 回答