I have an external PHP file which updates mysql database (this file is connected with the main theme with jquery and ajax).
This is the simplified code from the ext file
$file = dirname(__FILE__);
$file = substr($file, 0, stripos($file, "wp-content") );
require( $file . "/wp-load.php");
if (something){echo ($var);}
else {echo ('eg97');}
This is the result I get (when condition not met):
function add_jquery()
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_jquery');
function open_mysql_db()
$mysqli = new mysqli('address of database', 'username', 'password', 'database name');
// check connection
if (!$mysqli)
throw new Exception('Could not connect to database');
return $mysqli;
--> 97
All I want to get is 97 (or $var).
Any ideas?