我接管了一位前雇员的工作站,该工作站的源代码提交到 2 个不同的 svn 存储库,具体取决于代码所在的文件夹。TortoiseSVN 用于 Windows 资源管理器。

TortoiseSVN 如何跟踪与每个文件夹关联的 SVN 存储库?配置文件在哪里?


2 回答 2


That information is kept in the (hidden) .svn folder(s). The information within is not intended to be viewed or manipulated outside of subversion tools. Working copies of 1.6 and earlier have a .svn folder inside of each folder. Subversion 1.7 working copies and above have one `.svn' folder in the root of the working copy.

Inside the working copy (Subversion 1.6)

Using TortoiseSVN, you can right-click on a folder, select Properties, then the Subversion tab. This will show you the subversion information about the folder, such as where it points to.

于 2013-09-27T16:06:57.873 回答

In the local folder in your machine there is a .svn folder (only in the main folder if you are using Subversion 1.7.2 and above OR in all sub folders as well) if a folder is bound to any SVN repository. This folder stores the mapping.

Unless there is no file in your working copy is locked explicitly by calling, svn lock, there is nothing related to this in SVN server. So in that case, you can just delete that .svn folders and this local working copy folder will no more be mapped to the server repository.

于 2013-09-27T16:07:50.510 回答