public ActionResult Index()
// Check if cookies are disabled, and redirect to login page if so
if (cookiesDisabled(Request))
ModelState.AddModelError("cookie", "");
return RedirectToAction("Login");
// Get the models
AsdViewModel models = getAVM();
if (models == null)
return Logout();
// Return view with the models passed in, etc.
public ActionResult OtherPage() {
// Do cookie check so that just typing in MySite/Controller/OtherPage won't work
// Get the models
// Do some OtherPage() relevant calculations with the models
// Return view with the models passed in, etc.
这里的问题是这段代码中有很多返回值。将 cookie 检查包装在布尔返回函数中似乎是多余的,因为我基本上只是保存一行 ( ModelState.Add...
我知道我可以return OtherPage()
在 Index 中执行类似的操作来跳过重复的代码,但我希望 URL 反映用户现在在OtherPage