I don't usually have access to Internet Explorer but right now I did and I checked out our website on Internet Explorer and it fails to show some pages, for example this: http://www.listicle.co/list/user/post.php?listid=607. I enabled the debugger on IE and I've been trying to fix these issues for a while but today I'm getting different errors:

HTML1509: Unmatched end tag.
post.php, line 512 character 2

HTML1509: Unmatched end tag. 
post.php, line 1423 character 8

SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. 
jquery.min.js, line 5 character 6420

SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. 
jquery.min.js, line 5 character 6420

The problem is that I don't think that there is any unmatched tag. I also thought this could be a problem with jQuery but I downgraded jQuery to be 1.10... version as suggested by someone else. I also tried enabling HTML shim or shiv and it didn't help either. Can someone with IE please help me debug this issue? I'd highly appreciate it. This is so confusing.



1 回答 1


<div>里面是不允许的<p>。IE 会自动更正您的 HTML,当涉及到 JavaScript 时,它会产生意想不到的结果。

于 2013-09-27T14:12:58.027 回答