

示例 1:

private boolean isDamage = true, isOverTime = false, interruptable = false, canBeDispelled     = false;

示例 2:(我如何尝试记录。)

/** This is a description. */
private boolean isDamage = true, isOverTime = false, interruptable = false, canBeDispelled = false;


/** The ID of the spell. */
private int id = -1;
/** The name of the spell. */
private String name = null;
private double damageMin = -1.0, damageMax = -1.0;
private double healMin = -1.0, healMax = -1.0;
private int effectTime = 1;
private double costMana = -1.0, costEnergy = -1.0, castTime = -1.0;
private boolean isDamage = true, isOverTime = false, interruptable = false, canBeDispelled = false;
/** Whether the spell is a buff or not. This only applies to buff and debuff spells. */
private boolean isBuff = false;
private int bonusStrength = 0, bonusDexterity = 0, bonusConstitution = 0, bonusIntelligence = 0, bonusWisdom = 0, bonusCharisma = 0;
private double bonusDamage = 0, bonusHealth = 0, bonusResource = 0; // bonusResource allows you to ass bonus energy or mana depending on the player's type.




1 回答 1


The names of the variables are very straightforward so unless you're javadoc documenting, there's no need to do so. You aren't doing this, so you can just use a general wording like

/* Defines spell behaviour */

When another dev reads your code he will have all the information he needs from this line and the variables their names. In fact, the comment might be not needed at all since it barely adds any value.

If you do want to use javadoc documentation you'll have to split it over multiple lines.

于 2013-09-27T14:07:58.220 回答