我们正在为 Joomla 创建一个 XML API,它允许合作伙伴网站在我们的网站上为其用户创建新帐户。
我们创建了一个独立的 PHP 脚本来处理和验证 API 请求,但现在我们需要实际创建新帐户。我们最初考虑只是通过 CURL 调用来提交注册表单,但我们意识到用户令牌存在问题。是否有另一种干净的方法来创建用户帐户而无需进入 Joomla 的胆量?如果我们必须做一些手术,最好的方法是什么?
你应该使用 Joomla 内部类,比如 JUser,因为有很多内部逻辑,比如密码加盐。创建一个自定义脚本,该脚本使用来自 API 请求的值,并使用来自 Joomla 用户类的方法将用户保存在数据库中。
使用自定义代码添加 joomla 用户的两种方法是一个很棒的教程。该方法有效。我在一些项目中使用了这种方法。
如果您必须在 Joomla之外访问 Joomla 框架,请改为查看此资源。
根据 waitinfratrain 的回答,它不适用于登录用户(如果您在后端使用它实际上很危险),我已经对其进行了一些修改,在这里,它完全适合我。请注意,这是针对 Joomla 2.5.6,而该线程最初是针对 1.5,因此上面的答案:
function addJoomlaUser($name, $username, $password, $email) {
$data = array(
$user = new JUser;
//Write to database
if(!$user->bind($data)) {
throw new Exception("Could not bind data. Error: " . $user->getError());
if (!$user->save()) {
throw new Exception("Could not save user. Error: " . $user->getError());
return $user->id;
只需转到文档页面: http ://docs.joomla.org/JUser
还在 Joomla 中竞争了单页样本以注册新用户:
function register_user ($email, $password){
$firstname = $email; // generate $firstname
$lastname = ''; // generate $lastname
$username = $email; // username is the same as email
I handle this code as if it is a snippet of a method or function!!
First set up some variables/objects */
// get the ACL
$acl =& JFactory::getACL();
/* get the com_user params */
jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); // include libraries/application/component/helper.php
$usersParams = &JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_users' ); // load the Params
// "generate" a new JUser Object
$user = JFactory::getUser(0); // it's important to set the "0" otherwise your admin user information will be loaded
$data = array(); // array for all user settings
// get the default usertype
$usertype = $usersParams->get( 'new_usertype' );
if (!$usertype) {
$usertype = 'Registered';
// set up the "main" user information
//original logic of name creation
//$data['name'] = $firstname.' '.$lastname; // add first- and lastname
$data['name'] = $firstname.$lastname; // add first- and lastname
$data['username'] = $username; // add username
$data['email'] = $email; // add email
$data['gid'] = $acl->get_group_id( '', $usertype, 'ARO' ); // generate the gid from the usertype
/* no need to add the usertype, it will be generated automaticaly from the gid */
$data['password'] = $password; // set the password
$data['password2'] = $password; // confirm the password
$data['sendEmail'] = 1; // should the user receive system mails?
/* Now we can decide, if the user will need an activation */
$useractivation = $usersParams->get( 'useractivation' ); // in this example, we load the config-setting
if ($useractivation == 1) { // yeah we want an activation
jimport('joomla.user.helper'); // include libraries/user/helper.php
$data['block'] = 1; // block the User
$data['activation'] =JUtility::getHash( JUserHelper::genRandomPassword() ); // set activation hash (don't forget to send an activation email)
else { // no we need no activation
$data['block'] = 1; // don't block the user
if (!$user->bind($data)) { // now bind the data to the JUser Object, if it not works....
JError::raiseWarning('', JText::_( $user->getError())); // ...raise an Warning
return false; // if you're in a method/function return false
if (!$user->save()) { // if the user is NOT saved...
JError::raiseWarning('', JText::_( $user->getError())); // ...raise an Warning
return false; // if you're in a method/function return false
return $user; // else return the new JUser object
$email = JRequest::getVar('email');
$password = JRequest::getVar('password');
//echo 'User registration...'.'<br/>';
register_user($email, $password);
//echo '<br/>'.'User registration is completed'.'<br/>';
调用示例:localhost/joomla/test-reg-user-php?email=test02@test.com&password=pass 或者只是创建带有适当参数的简单表单
INSERT INTO jos_users( `name`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `usertype`, `gid` )
VALUES( 'Иванов Иван', 'ivanov', md5('12345'), 'ivanov@mail.ru', 'Registered', 18 );
INSERT INTO jos_core_acl_aro( `section_value`, `value` )
VALUES ( 'users', LAST_INSERT_ID() );
INSERT INTO jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map( `group_id`, `aro_id` )
经过测试并在 2.5 上工作。
function addJoomlaUser($name, $username, $password, $email) {
$data = array(
$user = clone(JFactory::getUser());
//Write to database
if(!$user->bind($data)) {
throw new Exception("Could not bind data. Error: " . $user->getError());
if (!$user->save()) {
throw new Exception("Could not save user. Error: " . $user->getError());
return $user->id;
如果您在 Joomla 环境之外,则必须先执行此操作,或者如果您不编写组件,请使用@GMonC 答案中链接中的组件。
if (! defined('_JEXEC'))
define('_JEXEC', 1);
define('DS', $DS);
//Get component path
preg_match("/\\{$DS}components\\{$DS}com_.*?\\{$DS}/", __FILE__, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$component_path = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen($matches[0][0]) + $matches[0][1]);
define('JPATH_COMPONENT', $component_path);
define('JPATH_BASE', substr(__FILE__, 0, strpos(__FILE__, DS.'components'.DS) ));
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' );
require_once JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php';
jimport( 'joomla.environment.request' );
$mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site');
另一种聪明的方法是使用名为 register 的实际 /component/com_users/models/registration.php 类方法,因为它会真正处理所有事情。
* Get any component's model
public static function getModel($name, $path = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR, $component = 'yourcomponentname')
// load some joomla helpers
// load the model file
JLoader::import( $name, $path . '/models' );
// return instance
return JModelLegacy::getInstance( $name, $component.'Model' );
* Random Key
* @returns a string
public static function randomkey($size)
$bag = "abcefghijknopqrstuwxyzABCDDEFGHIJKLLMMNOPQRSTUVVWXYZabcddefghijkllmmnopqrstuvvwxyzABCEFGHIJKNOPQRSTUWXYZ";
$key = array();
$bagsize = strlen($bag) - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
$get = rand(0, $bagsize);
$key[] = $bag[$get];
return implode($key);
* Greate user and update given table
public static function createUser($new)
// load the user component language files if there is an error
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$extension = 'com_users';
$base_dir = JPATH_SITE;
$language_tag = 'en-GB';
$reload = true;
$lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload);
// load the user regestration model
$model = self::getModel('registration', JPATH_ROOT. '/components/com_users', 'Users');
// set password
$password = self::randomkey(8);
// linup new user data
$data = array(
'username' => $new['username'],
'name' => $new['name'],
'email1' => $new['email'],
'password1' => $password, // First password field
'password2' => $password, // Confirm password field
'block' => 0 );
// register the new user
$userId = $model->register($data);
// if user is created
if ($userId > 0)
return $userId;
return $model->getError();
// setup new user array
$newUser = array(
'username' => $validData['username'],
'name' => $validData['name'],
'email' => $validData['email']
$userId = yourcomponentnameHelper::createUser($newUser);
if (!is_int($userId))
$this->setMessage($userId, 'error');
我进行了 ajax 调用,然后将变量传递给该脚本,它对我有用。
define('_JEXEC', 1);
define('JPATH_BASE', __DIR__);
/* Required Files */
require_once(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'defines.php');
require_once(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'framework.php');
$app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
require_once(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_users' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'registration.php');
$model = new UsersModelRegistration();
$language = JFactory::getLanguage();
$language->load('com_users', JPATH_SITE);
$type = 0;
$username = JRequest::getVar('username');
$password = JRequest::getVar('password');
$name = JRequest::getVar('name');
$mobile = JRequest::getVar('mobile');
$email = JRequest::getVar('email');
$alias = strtr($name, array(' ' => '-'));
$sendEmail = 1;
$activation = 0;
$data = array('username' => $username,
'name' => $name,
'email1' => $email,
'password1' => $password, // First password field
'password2' => $password, // Confirm password field
'sendEmail' => $sendEmail,
'activation' => $activation,
'block' => "0",
'mobile' => $mobile,
'groups' => array("2", "10"));
$response = $model->register($data);
echo $data['name'] . " saved!";
只有用户不会自动激活。我正在通过'block' => "0"
更新:哦,我没有看到你想要 1.5,但你可以做类似的事情,但用 1.5 API 代替。
这是我用于其他目的的一部分,但您需要使用默认组,直到从命令行使用 JUserHelper 的问题得到修复或使其成为 Web 应用程序。
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
if (!defined('_JEXEC'))
// Initialize Joomla framework
define('_JEXEC', 1);
@ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', '0');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Load system defines
if (file_exists(dirname(__DIR__) . '/defines.php'))
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/defines.php';
if (!defined('JPATH_BASE'))
define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(__DIR__));
if (!defined('_JDEFINES'))
require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/defines.php';
// Get the framework.
require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/import.php';
* Add user
* @package Joomla.Shell
* @since 1.0
class Adduser extends JApplicationCli
* Entry point for the script
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function doExecute()
// username, name, email, groups are required values.
// password is optional
// Groups is the array of groups
// Long args
$username = $this->input->get('username', null,'STRING');
$name = $this->input->get('name');
$email = $this->input->get('email', '', 'EMAIL');
$groups = $this->input->get('groups', null, 'STRING');
// Short args
if (!$username)
$username = $this->input->get('u', null, 'STRING');
if (!$name)
$name = $this->input->get('n');
if (!$email)
$email = $this->input->get('e', null, 'EMAIL');
if (!$groups)
$groups = $this->input->get('g', null, 'STRING');
$user = new JUser();
$array = array();
$array['username'] = $username;
$array['name'] = $name;
$array['email'] = $email;
$grouparray = explode(',', $groups);
JUserHelper::setUserGroups($user->id, $grouparray);
foreach ($grouparray as $groupId)
JUserHelper::addUserToGroup($user->id, $groupId);
$this->out('User Created');
if (!defined('JSHELL'))
在我的情况下(Joomla 3.4.3),用户被添加到会话中,因此在尝试激活帐户时出现了错误行为。
只需在 $user->save() 之后添加这一行:
JFactory::getSession()->clear('user', "default");
有一个名为“登录模块”的模块,您可以使用该模块并将其显示在其中一个菜单中。您将在其中获得一个链接,如“新用户?” 或“创建帐户”只需单击它,您将获得一个带有验证的注册页面..这只是使用注册页面的 3 步过程......它可能有助于更快地获得结果!!..thanx
这在 joomla 1.6 中不起作用,因为 ACL 以另一种方式处理......最后更简单,您必须在“jos_user_usergroup_map”表(然后是“jos_users”表)上添加一个条目以声明每个用户至少一组...
适用于Joomla 3.9.xx
如果您正在使用单独的第 3 方 MySQL 数据库(Joomla 正在运行的当前数据库除外),那么您可以使用以下 SQl。它有点粗糙,但会完成“创建用户”的工作。
INSERT INTO `datph_users` (`id`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `password`, `block`, `sendEmail`, `registerDate`, `lastvisitDate`, `activation`, `params`, `lastResetTime`, `resetCount`, `otpKey`, `otep`, `requireReset`) VALUES (NULL, 'New Super User', 'newsuperuser', 'newsuperuser@mailinator.com', MD5('newsuperuser'), '0', '1', '2019-09-03 11:59:51', '2020-09-15 15:01:28', '0', '{\"update_cache_list\":1,\"admin_style\":\"\",\"admin_language\":\"\",\"language\":\"\",\"editor\":\"\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"\"}', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0', '', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `datph_user_usergroup_map` (`user_id`, `group_id`) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), '8');
Super Administrator