Public Class Product
public Name As String
public ID as String
public ShelfList as List(of Shelf)
End Class
Public Class Shelf
public Name As String
public ID as String
public Row as List(of Row)
End Class
Public Class Row
public Name As String
public ID as String
End Class
List(of Products) -> List(of Shelf) -> List(of Rows)
Boost -> Shelf 1 -> Row 1,Row 2
Shelf 2 -> Row 2
Horlicks ->Shelf 1-> Row 1
Complain ->Shelf 2-> Row 2,Row 3
Colgate -> Shelf 2- Row 3
Shelf 1 Row 1 - 2 (Boost and horlicks)
Shelf 1 Row 2 - 1 (Boost)
Shelf 2 Row 1 - 1 (Horlicks)
Shelf 2 Row 2 - 2 (Complain and Boost)
Shelf 2 Row 3 - 1 (Colgate)
笔记 :
Shelf 1 Row 1 是第一个货架第一行的名称。
如何使用 LINQ 实现这一点。我正在使用 VB.NET 并以 CE 3.5 为目标。C# 建议也受到赞赏。提前致谢。