<Title>Electromagnetic Fields</Title>
<Vol name="Physics"/>
<Para>blah blah blah.<P>blh blah blah.</P></Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<P>blah blah blah.</P></Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<P>blah blah blah.</P></Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<P>emf waves blah.</P></Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<B>emf waves</B> blah.</Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<P>emf waves blah.</P></Para>
<Para>blah waves blah.<B>emf</B> waves blah.</Para>
<Para>emf blah blah.<I>waves blah.</I></Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<B>emf waves</B> blah.</Para>
<Para>blah blah blah.<P><I>emf</I> waves blah.</P></Para>
查询 1 -
for $x in ft:search("Article", ("emf","waves"), map{'mode':='all words'})/ancestor::*:Doc
return $x/Title
我得到了 62 次点击
查询 2 -
for $x in ft:search("Article", ("emf","waves"), map{'mode':='all words'})
return $x/ancestor::*:Doc/Title
我得到 159 次点击
问题 3 -
for $x in doc("Article")/Doc[Info[Vol/@name="Physics" and Year ge "2006" and Year le "2010"]]
[SD/Info/Para/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words or
SD/Info/Para/P/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words or
LD/Info/Para/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words or
SD/Info/Para/P/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words or
SD/Info/Para/P/B/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words or
SD/Info/Para/P/I/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words or
SD/Info/Para/P/U/text() contains text {"emf","waves"} all words]
return $x/Title
这导致 224 次点击。在第三个中,我使用了所有实际存在的节点。I