第一次发帖。有一些 jquery 问题,花了一段时间,但我能够解决它,现在我只想知道为什么。
我有一个 CMS,我试图通过一个灯箱填充 2 个表单字段,一次一个,该灯箱通过 AJAX 调用填充了图像。单击该字段旁边的浏览图像按钮,然后进行 AJAX 调用以使用一系列图像填充灯箱。单击图像会关闭灯箱并使用该图像的路径填充适当的表单字段。
function AssetsPicker (el){
this.el = el;
this.url = el.attr('href') || '';
this.gallery = el.data('gallery') || '';
this.show_assets = function(){
//shows a lightbox of the thumbnails
//on thumbnail click
//Grab the image src from the data attribute
this.selected_asset = function(){
var gallery = this.gallery,
empty_formfield = this.empty_formfield;
this was the problematic event. Works on first click, on second click it would populate both fields with the value.
$('#lightbox_display').on('click', '.final-asset', function(e){
var el = $(this);
src = el.data('file');
empty_formfield(src, gallery);
//empty out the appropriate form field
//populate appropriate form field with src
this.empty_formfield = function(src, field){
var targetfield = $('#edit_project').find("[data-field='" + field + "']");
console.log("[data-field='" + field + "']");
var AssetsAjax = {
images: function(url, gallery){
var promise = $.Deferred();
$.ajax(url, {
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(result){
promise.resolve(result); //when we have a result, then resolve our promise
error: function(){
promise.reject('something went wrong. sorry.'); //if an error, then reject our promise
return promise;
}//var AssetsAjax
$('#edit_project').on('click', '.gallery-window', function(e){
var el = $(this),
url = el.attr('href');
var assetspicker = new AssetsPicker(el);
$('#lightbox_display .final-asset').on('click', function(e){
//anonymous function unchanged
//lightbox that gets populated via AJAX depending on which browse <a> was clicked (thumbnails or large images)
<div id="lightbox_display">
<a href="thumbs/3d-1.jpg" class="final-asset" data-file="3d-1.jpg"><img src="thumbs/3d-1.jpg"></a>
<a href="thumbs/3d-2.jpg" class="final-asset" data-file="3d-2.jpg"><img src="thumbs/3d-2.jpg"></a>
//elsewhere in the DOM, both applicable fields
<div id="edit_project">
//clicked thumbnail image goes in here
<input type="text" name="thumb" value="" data-field="thumbs">
//this triggers the lightbox to show thumbnails
<a href="file_assets/?q=thumbs" id="browse_thumbs" class="gallery-window" data-gallery="thumbs">Browse Thumbnails</a>
//clicked large image goes here
<input type="text" name="large" value="" data-field="large">
//this triggers the lightbox to show large images
<a href="file_assets/?q=large" id="browse_large" class="gallery-window" data-gallery="large">Browse Large Images</a>