我正在用 Twilio 尝试不同的东西,但对 Nexmo、Tropo 或 Plivo 的其他解决方案持开放态度。
这是一种情况,我正在从服务器向一堆客户端发送 SMS 文本。我可以返回一个状态:比如排队、发送、发送或失败。以下是 Twilio 关于 SMS 发送状态的说明:
"Sent" indicates that your message was successfully sent into the SMS
network for delivery. However Twilio does not receive confirmation from
the destination carrier that the message was received, and this is not
a guarantee that the message has reached the intended device.
所以,我的问题是:Plivo、Tropo 或 Nexmo(或我错过的任何其他服务)会做类似的事情吗?我的意思是,知道短信是由客户直接收到的,还是客户的运营商非常重要。