from a=0
。我可以手动完成好几天,但我对如何用 python 编写代码一无所知。
18826 次
2 回答
你看过这段代码了吗: http: //statmath.org/calculate_area.pdf
# Calcuate the area under a curve
# Example Function y = x^2
# This program integrates the function from x1 to x2
# x2 must be greater than x1, otherwise the program will print an error message.
x1 = float(input('x1='))
x2 = float (input('x2='))
if x1 > x2:
print('The calculated area will be negative')
# Compute delta_x for the integration interval
delta_x = ((x2-x1)/1000)
j = abs ((x2-x1)/delta_x)
i = int (j)
print('i =', i)
# initialize
A= 0.0
x = x1
# Begin Numerical Integration
while n < i:
delta_A = x**2 * delta_x
x = x + delta_x
A = A + delta_A
n = n+1
print('Area Under the Curve =', A)
于 2013-09-26T16:31:23.993 回答