我正在尝试使用 Meteor TemplateHelpers 和 Handlebars填充select元素。option


<template name="newTransaction">
<select name="productNameSelect">
{{{ getProductOptions }}} 


Template.newTransaction.getProductOptions = function () {
    //Get all products for drop-down
    var count = 0;
    var optionsHTML = "";
    var options = ProductCollection.find({});
    options.forEach( function( product )
      var newOption = "<option value='" + product.productID + "' >" + product.name + "</option>";
      optionsHTML += newOption;
      if( count == options.count() )
        console.log("Products returned for client:" + optionsHTML )
        return optionsHTML;

在浏览器 JavaScript 控制台中,打印了正确的控制台日志文本,但我的选择列表中没有任何选项添加到 DOM。



1 回答 1



您还需要记住,使用 Meteor 会有一个自然延迟,因为首先加载 html 和 js,然后很快就会加载数据。

You could still use forEach but ensure you return data after the loop and not in it. I'm not 100% sure of your intentions so this may not work as you intend but you

var options = ProductCollection.find({});
var html = "";    

options.forEach( function( product )
  var newOption = "<option value='" + product.productID + "' >" + product.name + "</option>";
  optionsHTML += newOption;

return optionsHTML;

Also dont forget to use three mustaches {{{getProductOptions}}} and not two since you're providing back raw HTML

Also have you considered using an {{each}} loop?

Template.newTransaction.getProductOptions = function () { return ProductCollection.find() }

then you could do this in your html instead

{{#each getProductOptions}}
    <option value="{{productID}}">{{name}}</option>
于 2013-09-26T15:53:22.373 回答