



Class Database
Class Chat
Class TextChat Extends Chat
Class VideoChat Extends Chat



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Design patterns: each design pattern solves some problem. You need to describe the problem you have and find a matching design pattern. sourcemaking.com/design_patterns

What Singleton gives you is lazy loading of some instance and the constructor. So, you can load it based on some parameters. If multiple threads access your instance you need to synchronize them. In a static access you don't worry about loading of anything and you just pass what you need to get a DB resource. You can code DB access as number of patterns but DB access ok to be simple static stuff that any threads can access to call the data.

Database Access: The best way to access data is through static rather than instance methods. Singleton is instance, a single instance designed for different solutions than database access.

Video conferencing software: Are you developing Lync or Skype, etc...? Why wouldn't you just use a professionally done software for that, most of which is free?

于 2013-09-26T16:52:10.690 回答