在 GAE 上部署时出现以下错误,但是我的应用程序在本地服务器上运行良好。
com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreNeedIndexException: no matching index found.
The suggested index for this query is:
<datastore-index kind="Order" ancestor="false" source="manual">
<property name="employee" direction="asc"/>
<property name="__key__" direction="asc"/>
<property name="route" direction="asc"/>
即使我需要的索引在 GAE 中服务
__key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
__key__ ? , route ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
__key__ ? , route ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 2 MBytes
customerName ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
customerName ? , employee ? , oDate ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 2 MBytes
customerName ? , oDate ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
employee ? , __key__ ? , route ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
employee ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
employee ? , oDate ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
oDate ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
route ? , __key__ ? Serving 6202 1 MByte
并且 datastore-indexes.xml 的内容也会根据错误建议进行更新
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<datastore-indexes autoGenerate="true">
<!-- Used 7 times in query history -->
<datastore-index kind="Order" ancestor="false" source="manual">
<property name="employee" direction="asc"/>
<property name="__key__" direction="asc"/>
<property name="route" direction="asc"/>
<!-- Used 16 times in query history -->
<datastore-index kind="LineItem" ancestor="false" source="manual">
<property name="itemName" direction="asc" />
<property name="orderID" direction="asc" />
<property name="quantity" direction="asc" />
Filter employeeFilter = new FilterPredicate("employee",FilterOperator.EQUAL, saleRepID);
Filter startTimeFilter = new FilterPredicate(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY,FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, startOrderKey);
Filter endTimeFilter = new FilterPredicate(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY,FilterOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, endOrderKey);
logger.warning("Creating a Final filter to find a uniquely visited routes by that employee in that particular time range");
Filter finalFilterForRoutes = CompositeFilterOperator.and(endTimeFilter, CompositeFilterOperator.and(employeeFilter,startTimeFilter));
logger.warning("Finding a uniquely visited routes by that employee on that particular day");
QueryResultList<Entity> allRoutesVisited = datastore.prepare(new Query("Order").addProjection(
new PropertyProjection("route",String.class)).setDistinct(true)