

.model small ;64k code and 64k data
.8086 ;only allow 8086 instructions

.stack 256                      ;
.data                           ;
.code                           ;
start:                          ;
    get_l:                      ;
            mov ah, 8           ; set ah=8 to request a char     w/o echo
            int 21h             ; [char] read is now in the al reg.
            mov dl, al          ; save the input in dl
    ; test for period, if [char] is period the character prints
            cmp dl, 2Eh         ; is [char] a period? 2Eh to 20h
            je exit_            ; if so, jump to exit
    ; if input >= a(61h) && input <= z(7Ah) then subtract 20h
        if_:                    ;
            cmp dl, 61h         ; compare input to a
            jb else_if          ; if [char]<a, jump to else_if
            cmp dl, 7Ah         ; compare input to z
            ja else_if          ; if [char]>z, jump to else_if
        then_1:                 ;
            sub dl, 20h         ; capitalize [char] by subtracting 20h 
            jmp print_          ; print_ [char] to console
    ;  if input >= A(41h) && input <= Z(5Ah) then print
        else_if:                ;
            cmp dl, 41h         ; compare [char] to A
            jb else_            ; if [char]<A, jump to else_
            cmp dl, 5Ah         ; compare [char] to Z
            ja else_            ; if [char]>Z, jump to else_
        then_2:                 ;
            jmp print_          ; print_ [char] to console
    ; if input == *space*(20h) then print
        else_:                  ;
            cmp dl, 20h         ; compare [char] to ' '
            je print_           ; print if space
            jne get_l           ; ignore and repeat loop if not space
        endif_:                 ;
    ; print subroutine
        print_:                 ;
            mov ah, 2           ; set ah=2 to req. [char] to be writ
            int 21h             ; call DOS and [char] is written
            jmp get_l           ; go back to start of loop
        exit_:                  ;
            mov ah, 2           ; if so, print and jump to exit_
            int 21h             ;
            end start           ;

1 回答 1




    exit_:                  ;
        mov ah, 2           ; if so, print and jump to exit_
        int 21h             ;
        mov ah,4CH          ; Terminate program
        int 21h             ; Execute
        end start           ; end -of-module with enntrypoint start

AL执行时的值在INT 21H/4ACH批处理中显示为ERRORLEVEL ...我没有设置它,所以它会是AL当时的任何内容...

于 2013-09-26T04:55:06.687 回答