我正在尝试制作一个工作应用程序,在其中我将一些数据输入到一些控件(开始日期和结束日期工资周)中,然后用户从我们的工资程序中选择一个 csv 提取。然后,该应用程序将来自控件和 csv 文件的数据合并到一个数据表中,然后将其设置为 wpf 数据网格视图的 datacontxct。
this.dgCSVData.DataContext = oDS.Tables[0].DefaultView;
数据网格处于我想要将数据附加到的 sql 数据库中的数据表的“形状”中。然而,数据表是在私有事件处理程序 CSV_Load_Click 中创建的,代码块如下。
我希望做的是设置另一个按钮事件处理程序调用“上传数据”并将数据表(oDS.Tables[0].DefaultView)传递给 DAL 层以读取并附加到 sql 数据库表,问题是如何是否使数据表可用,我是否应该创建一个类来匹配我的数据行,然后创建行的公共列表?
private void CSV_Load_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Turn on upload button
btUpload.IsEnabled = true;
//To load and display CSV data
//string filename = txFilePath.Text;
string delimStr = ",,";
char[] delimiter = delimStr.ToCharArray();
string strFilePath = txFilePath.Text;
DataSet oDS = new DataSet();
string strFields = null;
DataTable oTable = new DataTable();
DataRow oRows = null;
Int32 intCounter = 0;
StreamReader oSR = new StreamReader(strFilePath);
//Go to the top of the file
oSR.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
string File = fileTest;
//Add in the Header Columns check if headers in first row
if (rbYes.IsChecked==true)
// action for headers in row 1
foreach (string strFields_loopVariable in oSR.ReadLine().Split(delimiter))
strFields = strFields_loopVariable;
if (File==@"CHHOURS.CSV")
string TitleHeaders = "Wage_Year,Wage_Start_Date,Wage_End_Date,Tax Week,Wk_No,Clock,Surname,Initial,Dept,Dept_Hours,Other_Hours,Total_Hours,OT_Hours,";
foreach (string strFields_loopVariable in TitleHeaders.Split(delimiter))
strFields = strFields_loopVariable;
Int32 i = 0;
foreach (string strFields_loopVariable in oSR.ReadLine().Split(delimiter))
string ColumLetter = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
strFields = ColumLetter[i].ToString();
i += 1;
//String request = oSR.ReadToEnd();
//Now add in the Rows
oTable = oDS.Tables[0];
while ((oSR.Peek() > -1))
oRows = oTable.NewRow();
if (File == @"CHHOURS.CSV")
oRows[intCounter] = cbWageYear.Text;
intCounter = intCounter + 1;
oRows[intCounter] = dpStartDate.SelectedDate;
intCounter = intCounter + 1;
oRows[intCounter] = dpEndDate.SelectedDate;
intCounter = intCounter + 1;
oRows[intCounter] = cBTaxWeek.SelectedIndex;
intCounter = intCounter + 1;
foreach (string strFields_loopVariable in oSR.ReadLine().Split(delimiter))
strFields = Convert.ToString(strFields_loopVariable);
if (intCounter < 20)
oRows[intCounter] = strFields;
intCounter = intCounter + 1;
intCounter = 0;
this.dgCSVData.DataContext = oDS.Tables[0].DefaultView;