s 的图形和各种有用的功能,我打算用它来在一个简单的塔防游戏中进行寻路。我还编写了一个Path
实现 Dijkstra 算法的类,并且每个非静态游戏单元都有一个Path
我遇到的问题是,当我运行应用程序时,代码会执行代码以初始化单元,并在此过程中为每个蠕动初始化路径,然后再构建 PathGraph 对象(使用 Eclipse Scala 调试器和 println 语句确认) . 然而不幸的是,生成路径的代码需要初始化PathGraph
我应该如何用我的代码解决这个问题?PathGraph 代码粘贴在下面以供参考。
object PathGraph {
private val graph:Array[Array[Node]] = buildAndFillGraph()
//val nodeDist:Double = MainGame.pixelsPerIteration
val nodeDist = .5
val numXNodes = (MainGame.gamePanelWidth.toDouble / nodeDist).toInt
val numYNodes = (MainGame.gamePanelHeight.toDouble / nodeDist).toInt
val defaultInfinity = 99999
//build every Nodes adjacent nodes
val angle = 45
val minHeight = 0
val minWidth = 0
val maxHeight = MainGame.gamePanelSize.height //game panel y value starts at 0 at TOP
val maxWidth = MainGame.gamePanelSize.width
val numPossibleAdjacentNodes = 360 / angle //360 degrees, 45 degree angle between every potentially adjacent Node
val hypotenuseLength = math.sqrt((nodeDist * nodeDist) + (nodeDist * nodeDist))
def buildGraphArray(): Array[Array[Node]] = {
println("numXNodes/nodeDist.toInt: " + (numXNodes.toDouble / nodeDist).toInt + "\n")
//build every Node in the graph
val lgraph =
(for (x <- 0 until (numXNodes / nodeDist).toInt) yield {
(for (y <- 0 until (numYNodes / nodeDist).toInt) yield {
new Node(x.toDouble * nodeDist, y.toDouble * nodeDist)//gives lgraph(x,y) notation
}).toArray //convert IndexedSeqs to Arrays
def buildAndFillGraph():Array[Array[Node]] = {
val lgraph = buildGraphArray()//Ar[Ar[Node]]
println("lgraph built")
lgraph.map(x => x.map(y => y.setAdjacentNodes(lgraph)))
//set the adjacent nodes for all nodes in the array
if (lgraph.size != numXNodes*numYNodes) println("numXNodes*numYNodes: " + numXNodes*numYNodes)
else MainGame.pathGraphBuilt = true
def getGraph() = graph
def toBuffer(): mutable.Buffer[Node] = graph.flatten.toBuffer
def toArray(): Array[Node] = graph.flatten