这是我到目前为止所拥有的,但我没有通过 3 次 junit 测试
public static ArrayList<String> getDifference(ArrayList<String> one, ArrayList<String> two)
Set<String> oneSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(one);
ArrayList<String> finalone = new ArrayList<>(oneSet);
Set<String> twoSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(two);
ArrayList<String> finaltwo = new ArrayList<>(twoSet);
Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(finaltwo);
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(result);
return list;
public void testGetDifferenceWithEmptyListSecond() {
String[] un = { "luke", "leah", "han" };
String[] duex = { };
ArrayList<String> one = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( un ));
ArrayList<String> two = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( duex ));
ArrayList<String> actual = Lab03Two.getDifference( one, two );
assertEquals( "The number of elements is incorrect", 3, actual.size() );
assertTrue ( "The value \"luke\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "luke" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"leah\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "leah" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"han\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "han" ));
public void testGetDifferenceWithOverlapAndDuplicates() {
String[] un = { "palpatine", "dooku", "vader", "sidius" };
String[] duex = { "padme", "vader", "sidius", "ackbar", "padme" };
ArrayList<String> one = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( un ));
ArrayList<String> two = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( duex ));
ArrayList<String> actual = Lab03Two.getDifference( one, two );
assertEquals( "The number of elements is incorrect", 4, actual.size() );
assertTrue ( "The value \"ackbar\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "ackbar" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"dooku\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "dooku" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"padme\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "padme" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"palpatine\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "palpatine" ));
public void testGetDifferenceWithNoOverlap() {
String[] un = { "obi-wan", "jar-jar", "anakin" };
String[] duex = { "r2-d2", "c-3po" };
ArrayList<String> one = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( un ));
ArrayList<String> two = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( duex ));
ArrayList<String> actual = Lab03Two.getDifference( one, two );
assertEquals( "The number of elements is incorrect", 5, actual.size() );
assertTrue ( "The value \"obi-wan\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "obi-wan" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"jar-jar\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "jar-jar" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"anakin\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "anakin" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"r2-d2\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "r2-d2" ));
assertTrue ( "The value \"c-3po\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "c-3po" ));