我被要求为我在 R 中运行的回归提供伪 R2 值。我正在使用 vglm 命令对 4 类患者生活质量数运行回归,给定患者肺动脉应变、脉压和最大肺动脉压。
但是,vglm 只提供 Residual Deviation,不提供 Null Deviance。我从以前的帖子中查找的伪 R2 拟合优度测量都需要零偏差。有没有办法从 vglm 获取或计算零偏差? https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/VGAM/doc/VGAMrefcard.pdf
> summary(fit)
vglm(formula = resp_var ~ Strain + PP + Pmax, family = multinomial, data = DF)
Pearson Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
log(mu[,1]/mu[,4]) -3.8849 -0.45457 0.237302 0.456967 4.9936
log(mu[,2]/mu[,4]) -2.7173 -0.45528 -0.255479 0.601062 2.1737
log(mu[,3]/mu[,4]) -2.7175 -0.15174 -0.096334 -0.041271 6.6040
Estimate Std. Error z value
(Intercept):1 -18.37926 1609.958 -0.0114160
(Intercept):2 -22.19514 1609.958 -0.0137862
(Intercept):3 -24.72028 1609.958 -0.0153546
Strain:1 286.66750 3989.303 0.0718590
Strain:2 285.95551 3989.303 0.0716806
Strain:3 284.37742 3989.303 0.0712850
PP:1 -0.87220 67.951 -0.0128356
PP:2 -0.77133 67.951 -0.0113512
PP:3 -0.93263 67.951 -0.0137250
Pmax:1 0.15845 28.841 0.0054941
Pmax:2 0.17548 28.841 0.0060843
Pmax:3 0.28930 28.841 0.0100307
Number of linear predictors: 3
Names of linear predictors:
log(mu[,1]/mu[,4]), log(mu[,2]/mu[,4]), log(mu[,3]/mu[,4])
Dispersion Parameter for multinomial family: 1
Residual deviance: 102.8416 on 222 degrees of freedom
Log-likelihood: -51.42081 on 222 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations: 19