每隔一段时间,我在将代码提交到我们的 SVN 存储库时都会遇到错误,这就是它所说的(我会显示一个屏幕截图,但我无法重现它):

SVN: '0x00400045: Collecting Properties' operation finished with error: 
0x00000014: Resource is inaccessible or it is not under SVN control: 
0x00000014: Resource is inaccessible or it is not under SVN control: 

我的提交对话框在关闭后显示,在我的 bin 目录下显示了一些(但不是全部)类文件:


如果我执行 Project>Clean,(然后它会自动重建)该消息会消失很长时间。它似乎只有在我通过 ANT 脚本(使用 javac 而不是 Eclipse 的编译器)构建项目之后才会发生,但它是不可重现的。因为它会在 ANT 构建之后发生,但并非总是如此。

bin 目录应该被忽略。这是怎么回事?


2 回答 2


I had the same error, among others. I don't know what's the cause. The only (desperate) way I could fix them was deleting the project from SVN repository (Delete project through the SNV Perspective in Eclipse and removing manually all the ".svn" hidden folders inside the real path of the project). After that, I was able to commit the project again without errors.

于 2013-10-27T21:33:12.257 回答


于 2013-10-27T22:12:27.900 回答