I wrote the following sub:
Public Sub filterEmployeeSheets(Sheets As Excel.Worksheet, SearchRange As String, Indicator As String, FilterString As String)
'This Sub is used to filter sheets by deleting any rows
'that do not contain the value stated in variable filterString
'@Parameter Sheets to declare sheet(s) name
'@Parameter SearchRange to set the column to filter
'@Parameter Indicator determines the =, <> setting
'@Parameter FilterString to set the string to keep
Dim lngLr As Long
With Sheets
lngLr = .Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows).Row
If lngLr > 1 Then
With .Range(SearchRange & lngLr)
**.AutoFilter(Field:=1, Criteria1:=Indicator & FilterString)** 'Error is here
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Function ClientSheets(Index As Long) As Excel.Worksheet
'This function indexes all of the Employee sheets
'to use in various loops during he instal process
'@param EmployeeSheets, are the sheets to index
Select Case Index
Case 1 : Return xlWSAllEEAnnul
Case 2 : Return xlWSAllEEHourly
End Select
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index")
End Function
When I call it on the procedure below:
Dim xlRefSheets As Excel.Worksheet
For i As Long = 1 To 2 Step 1
Dim strOperatorSymbol As String = "<>"
xlRefSheets = ClientSheets(i)
filterEmployeeSheets(xlRefSheets, "K5:K", "<>", "Y")
End Sub
I get this error: The command could not be completed by using the range specified. Select a single cell within the range and try the command again. However, If I use the Public Sub as a procedure without the For Loop on a single sheet instead of calling it, it works just fine.