
class LinkedList
      struct Node
         int data;
         Node *next;
         Node *previous;

      int count;
      Node *head;
      Node *tail;

      LinkedList() {head = NULL; tail = NULL; count = 0;} //Constructor

      void insert(const int );
      bool remove(const int );
      bool contains(const int );

      size_t lenght() {return count;}


bool LinkedList::remove(const int item)
{//if the list is empty returns false
if(head == NULL) {return false;}

Node *hptr = head;
Node *tptr = tail;

if((hptr -> data) == item)
{//if the node is at the head of the list
  hptr = hptr -> next;
  delete head;
  hptr -> previous = NULL;
  head = hptr;
  return true;

} else if((tptr -> data) == item) {
 //if the node is at the tail of the list
  tptr = tptr -> previous;
  delete tail;
  tail = tptr;
  tptr -> next = NULL;
  return true;

} else {//if the node is in he middle of the list
  Node *ptr_head = head;   Node *ptr_headp = NULL;
  Node *ptr_tail = tail;   Node *ptr_tailp = NULL;

  while((ptr_head -> data) != item || (ptr_tail -> data) != item)
  {//pointers pass each other then data was not found
     if((ptr_tail -> data) < (ptr_head -> data)) {return false;}
   //traversing the list from the head and tail simultaniously
     ptr_headp = ptr_head;
     ptr_head = ptr_head -> next;

     ptr_tailp = ptr_tail;
     ptr_tail = ptr_tail -> previous;

  if((ptr_head == ptr_tail) && ((ptr_tail -> data) == (ptr_head -> data)))
  {//the item is at the intersection of both head and tail pointers
     ptr_headp -> next = ptr_tailp;
     ptr_tailp -> previous = ptr_headp;
     delete ptr_head;
     delete ptr_tail;
     return true;

  if((ptr_head -> data) == item)
  {//the item is before middle node
     ptr_headp -> next = ptr_head -> next;
    (ptr_head -> next) -> previous = ptr_headp;
     delete ptr_head;
     return true;

  if((ptr_tail -> data) == item)
  {//the item is after the middle node
     ptr_tailp -> previous = ptr_tail -> previous;
    (ptr_tail -> previous) -> next = ptr_tailp;
     delete ptr_tail;
     return true;

return false;

2 回答 2




  • 删除后面有其他节点的第一个节点
  • 删除前面有其他节点的最后一个节点
  • 删除唯一节点
  • 删除中间的一个节点


class LinkedList
      struct Node
         int data;
         Node *next;
         Node *previous;

      int count;
      // The change begins here
      Node headTail;
      // End of the change

      LinkedList() {head = NULL; tail = NULL; count = 0;} //Constructor

      void insert(const int );
      bool remove(const int );
      bool contains(const int );

      size_t lenght() {return count;}

head指针是' headTails ; 指针是它next的. next 和 previous 都指向一个空列表中的自身。tailprevious

这有点低效,因为 的dataheadTail使用。列表变为循环,始终存在一个节点。有了这个节点,您可以安全地删除中间的任何节点,并更新前一个和下一个指针,就好像它们属于不同的对象一样。


于 2013-09-25T15:48:29.337 回答
// Locate the item to remove
Node* to_remove = head;
while(to_remove && to_remove->data != item)
  to_remove = to_remove->next;

// Do the removal if we found it
  // If it was at the head, advance the head to the next item
  if(to_remove == head)
    head = head->next;
  // If it was at the tail, advance the tail to the previous item
  if(to_remove == tail)
    tail = tail->previous;

  // Remove from the list
    to_remove->next->previous = to_remove->previous;
    to_remove->previous->next = to_remove->next;

  // Free the removed node
  delete to_remove;
  return true;

return false;
于 2013-09-25T15:41:50.957 回答