I'm trying to pass arbitrary number of arguments to function. The arguments should be json type [function : arrayOfArgs]. The keys are functions and the values are arrays of the arguments, that should be passed to those functions.
At first, I considered function with only a number of argument
function _gl(f,args){ f.apply(null,args); }
function func(a,b){ alert(a+b); }
//calling the function
<input type="button" value="test" onclick="_gl(func,['2','3']);"/>
and it works pretty good .Now I'm trying to generalize that method
function _GL(){
var arguments = _GL.arguments;
var i=0;
var A=arguments[i];
for(j in A) j.apply(null,A[j]);
//and calling it
<input type="button" value="TEST" onclick="_GL({func:['2','3']});"/>
but i'm getting the following error "Uncaught TypeError: Object func has no method 'apply' ".