我有一个 PDF 模板文件,每页有 60 个标签。我的目标是根据需要制作模板的副本,填写表单数据,然后将文件合并到一个 PDF 中(或提供指向单个文件的链接......要么工作)
问题是无论日期如何,第二个 PDF 副本都会损坏。
工作流程是用户选择一个日期。当天的午餐订单被收集到一个通用列表中,该列表又用于填写模板上的表单字段。在 60 处,文件被保存为临时文件,模板的新副本用于接下来的 60 个名称,等等......
09/23/2013 至 09/25 有数据。25 日只有 38 个订单,所以这符合预期。2013 年 9 月 24 日有超过 60 个订单,第一页有效,但第二页已损坏。
private List<string> CreateLabels(DateTime orderDate)
// create file name to save
string fName = ConvertDateToStringName(orderDate) + ".pdf"; // example 09242013.pdf
// to hold Temp File Names
List<string> tempFNames = new List<string>();
// Get path to template/save directory
string path = Server.MapPath("~/admin/labels/");
string pdfPath = path + "8195a.pdf"; // template file
// Get the students and their lunch orders
List<StudentLabel> labels = DalStudentLabel.GetStudentLabels(orderDate);
// Get number of template pages needed
decimal recCount = Convert.ToDecimal(labels.Count);
decimal pages = Decimal.Divide(recCount, 60);
int pagesNeeded = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(pages));
// Make the temp names
for (int c = 0; c < pagesNeeded; c++)
tempFNames.Add(c.ToString() + fName); //just prepend a digit to the date string
//Create copies of the empty templates
foreach (string tName in tempFNames)
{ File.Delete(path + tName); }
catch { }
File.Copy(pdfPath, path + tName);
// we know we need X pages and there is 60 per page
int x = 0;
// foreach page needed
for (int pCount = 0; pCount < pagesNeeded; pCount++)
// Make a new page
PdfReader newReader = new PdfReader(pdfPath);
// pCount.ToString replicates temp names
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path + pCount.ToString() + fName, FileMode.Open))
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(newReader, stream);
var form = stamper.AcroFields;
var fieldKeys = form.Fields.Keys;
StudentLabel lbl = null;
string lblInfo = "";
// fill in acro fields with lunch data
foreach (string fieldKey in fieldKeys)
lbl = labels[x];
} // if we're out of labels, then we're done
lblInfo = lbl.StudentName + "\n";
lblInfo += lbl.Teacher + "\n";
lblInfo += lbl.MenuItem;
form.SetField(fieldKey, lblInfo);
if (x % 60 == 0) // reached 60, time for new page
stamper.Writer.CloseStream = false;
stamper.FormFlattening = true;
return tempFNames;