这是 Linq 查询:
var array = (from xx in _er.UserRoles
join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id
join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id
where xx.UserId == userId
select new List<string> { xz.Description, xy.Name }).ToArray();
其中:xz.Description 是制造商 xy.Name 是国家
[0] Count = 2
[0] Dove
[1] Uk
[1] Count = 2
[0] Dove
[1] France
[2] Count = 2
[0] Sure
[1] UK
[0] Count = 2
[0] Dove
[1] Uk
[1] Count = 2
[0] France
[1] Dove
[2] Count = 2
[0] UK
[1] Sure
这是 sql 查询和一些示例数据:
select m.Description, c.Name from UserRoles ur
join Countries c on ur.CountryId = c.Id
join Manufacturers m on ur.ManufacturerId = m.Id
where ur.userid = 435
Description Name
Lynx United Kingdom
Persil United Kingdom
Dove Brazil
Dove Canada
Dove Germany
Dove France
Dove United Kingdom
Dove Netherlands
Dove United States
Surf United Kingdom
Comfort United Kingdom
Sure United Kingdom
Bertolli United Kingdom
Bertolli United States
编辑 2
var userManuCountry = _userRoleRepository.GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(u.Id);
Session["userManuCountry"] = userManuCountry;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="userId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string[,] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId)
var array = (from xx in _er.UserRoles
join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id
join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id
where xx.UserId == userId
select new List<string> { xz.Description, xy.Name }).ToArray();
return CreateRectangularArray(array);
static T[,] CreateRectangularArray<T>(IList<T>[] arrays)
// TODO: Validation and special-casing for arrays.Count == 0
int minorLength = arrays[0].Count();
T[,] ret = new T[arrays.Length, minorLength];
for (int i = 0; i < arrays.Length; i++)
var array = arrays[i];
if (array.Count != minorLength)
throw new ArgumentException
("All arrays must be the same length");
for (int j = 0; j < minorLength; j++)
ret[i, j] = array[j];
return ret;
另一个控制器 - 我正在使用会话列出制造商的国家/地区:
/// <summary>
/// et the specific countries for user and manufacturer
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
// [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
// [Authorize(Roles = "ReportingDashboardAccess")]
public ActionResult GetListOfCountriesForUserManufacturer(int userId, string manu)
manu = manu.Trim();
// get the specific countries for user and manufacturer
var countries = new List<string>();
//here we want to use the manu to get the countries from seesion rather than db - this is a multidimensional array
string[,] manuCountry = (string[,])Session["userManuCountry"];
var addCountry = false;
//loop through to find countries for each manufacturer
for (int row = 0; row < manuCountry.GetLength(0); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < manuCountry.GetLength(1); col++)
string result = manuCountry[row, col];
if (addCountry == true && col == 1)
//addcountry has been set to true so add it
addCountry = false;
else if (addCountry == true && col == 0)
addCountry = false;
if (result == manu)
//the next one that comes through is the country
addCountry = true;
ViewData["allCountries"] = new SelectList(countries);
return View("CountriesParam");