我已经彻底搜索了我最近的 LINQ 尝试的示例(“嗨,我是 LINQ 的新手”)。我会为您提供我访问过的页面列表。

这是我想要实现的示例 SQL:

use myDB;

declare @requestedDay datetime = convert(datetime, (convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101)), 101)
declare @type1 int = 20

;with currentQuery as ( select
case when z.someID = @type1 and bet.someValue is null then 1
    else 0 end as count1,
case when z.someID = @type1 and bet.someValue = alef.otherID then 1
    else 0 end as count2,
from dbo.Work as dalet
    left join dbo.Workers as z on alef.workerAssignedID = z.ID
    left join dbo.Contracts as alef on alef.workOrderID = gimel.ID
    left join dbo.Subcontracts as bet on alef.WorkOrderID = alef.WorkOrderID 
                  and alef.WorkerAssignedID = dalet.WorkerID 
where convert(varchar(10),alef.dateTimeofWork,101) = @requestedDay),
futureQuery as ( select
case when gimel.text_EN like '%blah%' and bet.someValue is null then 1
    else 0 end as count3,
case z.someID = @type1 and bet.someValue = alef.otherID then 1
    else 0 end as count4,
from dbo.Work as dalet
    left join dbo.Workers as z on dalet.workerAssignedID = z.ID
    left join dbo.Contracts as alef on dalet.workOrderID = alef.ID
    left join dbo.Subcontracts as bet on dalet.WorkOrderID = bet.WorkOrderID and wa.WorkerAssignedID = wr.WorkerID 
    left join dbo.Lookups as gimel on dalet.skillID = gimel.ID
where convert(datetime,(convert(varchar(10),alef.dateTimeofWork,101)),101) > @requestedDay)
select sum(count1) as prop1name, sum(count2) as prop2name, 
sum(count3) as prop3name, sum(count4) as prop4name
from currentQuery, futureQuery

当然,这是一个更大查询的缩短版本。它只包含我需要的基础知识。名称可能令人困惑,但我正在寻找独特的东西。它们还与下面的 LINQ 表亲相匹配。


//snip injection stuff above
    public IQueryable<DailyCasaLatinaReport> DailyCasaLatina(DateTime dateRequested)
        IQueryable<DailyCasaLatinaReport> query;

        var daletQ = waRepo.GetAllQ();
        var zQ = zRepo.GetAllQ();
        var alefQ = alefRepo.GetAllQ();
        var betQ = betRepo.GetAllQ();
        var gimelQ = gimelRepo.GetAllQ();

        int type1 = 20;
        int type2 = 21;

        query = daletQ
                   .GroupJoin(gimelQ, dalet => dalet.skillID, look => look.ID,
                                 (dalet, look) => new
                                     enSkillText = look.FirstOrDefault().text_EN
                                 }) //currently envisioning a left outer join of
                                    //all .skillID, with English text available
                                    //for column and condition matches from the
                                    //next three joins.
                   .GroupJoin(betQ, gimel => gimel.dalet.workOrderID, wr => wr.WorkOrderID,
                                  (gimel, wr) => new
                                      reqWorkerID = wr.FirstOrDefault().WorkerID,
                                      reqOrderID = wr.FirstOrDefault().WorkOrderID
                                  }) //now envisioning a join on the original table
                                     //where any match in workerID is joined. THIS
                                     //IS A PROBLEM, I actually need to join on two
                                     //conditions to avoid duplicates.
                   .GroupJoin(alefQ, bet => bet.gimel.dalet.workOrderID, wo => wo.ID,
                                  (bet, wo) => new
                                      timeOfWork = wo.FirstOrDefault().dateTimeofWork
                                  }) //now envisioning yet another join where the
                                     //dateTimeofWork property from woQ is stamped
                                     //onto all matches of woQ's ID column. since
                                     //woQ.ID is the common point of reference for
                                     //like, everything, there should be no nulls.
                   .GroupJoin(zQ, alef => alef.bet.gimel.dalet.workerAssignedID, w => w.ID,
                                 (alef, w) => new
                                    listDWC = alef.bet.someValue == 0 ? (w.FirstOrDefault().someID == type1 ? 1 : 0) : 0,
                                    propioDWC = alef.bet.someValue == alef.bet.gimel.dalet.workerAssignedID ? 
                                                    (w.FirstOrDefault().someID == type1 ? 1 : 0) : 0,

                                    // here I'm stuck because there's no way to do 
                                    //the future conditions, i.e., what would be my 
                                    //second subquery
                   .Where(x => x.alef.timeOfWork == dateRequested)
                   .GroupBy(y => y.alef.bet.gimel.dalet.ID)
                   .Select(group => new dailyReport
                                    count1 = group.Sum(z => z.listDWC),
                                    count2 = group.Sum(z => z.propioDWC),
                                    count3 = //???
                                    count4 = //???

        return query;
//snip class definition below

所以,很抱歉这个长问题(虽然我已经看到了更长的时间),但是关于如何在这里压缩我的第二个子查询的任何想法都会有所帮助。我不太了解 LINQ,老实说,我不知道我是否可以放置一个单独的 .Where 子句和/或第二个 .Select 子句。需要注意的一点是 dailyReport 是一个已定义的类,并且必须(在我们的示例中)定义 count1 到 count4。




1 回答 1


根据评论,确定分解这个怪物 sql 查询将更有利于他的代码的可维护性,如果需要,将创建一个新问题。

于 2013-09-25T05:43:06.957 回答